In today's economic times, you have to find some humor. I recently read an article online that joked about the differences between a a recession and a depression. A recession can be defined as when your neighbor loses his job.A depression is when you lose your job. The article went on to state that there really is not a universal definition of either. If you ask 1000 different economists to differentiate between the terms recession and depression, you most likely will get 1000 different answers.
Today I came up with my own definitions to help economists agree upon the differences.
Just this morning, I ordered a breakfast burrito with sausage. I bit into the burrito to find only sausage. No egg or cheese. This is a Recession Burrito.
For 5 minutes the waitress and I could not come to an agreement as to why I was returning my order. I gave up.I left without a burrito and ate a week old opened granola bar from my car console.
This is a Depression Burrito.
The "New Balance" Girl
Running Report: Took the day off from running as I was in the pool most of the day. Will start back tomorrow after I make myself a breakfast burrito at home.
Miss Merry Sunshine
There is nothing like the feeling of anticipating a fun activity. Birthdays are good examples that come to mind. I am not much of a planner on daily routines. This has gotten me into some pickles in the past. I am however, a planner when it comes to parties. Every year I plan out a themed party for the girls. I pay attention to details from menu to decorations to games. I even do this for Converse. I love parties. I have a vision to how it should all pan out and want to create the perfect memory.
Needless to say, every year, someone always ends up crying because of things out of my party planning control. Like, the pinata breaks before everyone has a chance to swing at it, the toy called for C batteries not D, the red icing stains on a new tutu that was just put on, or someone pukes. It is only after the post party exhaustion subsides can I fondly look back and enjoy the not so perfect moments and laugh.
This weekend is another example of my preconceived vision. Nike Girl had a sleepover at her BFF's so it was just Converse, Weebok and myself to enjoy the evening. Weebok had an early nap so an early bedtime was to be expected. Converse marinated steaks all day to throw on the grill. Yum! So I dropped Nike Girl off at the sleepover and returned home to enjoy an evening I created in my head as relaxation and bliss.
This is what I got:
As I entered the house through the garage, I smelled smoke. The steaks had caught on fire on the outside grill and flames were flying. Converse was moving in action with spray bottle as his only defense. Result, blackened steak. Medium rare is over rated. At dinner, I snuck the pug dog a piece, ok, maybe two pieces, ok was three pieces. Weebok went to bed only one hour later than expected. We then started the much anticipated movie. The movie that was so slow and boring I fell asleep and so did Converse. We woke up on the couch at midnight with enough energy to make it to bed. Sleeping continued.....sort of.....
1:00am: Dog barking, I let her outside.
2:00am: Dog barking, Converse let her outside. He mumbled, "What is wrong with her?"
2:30am: Dog barking to go out again. I let her outside.
3:00am. Converse is on call, phone rings in this most annoying siren tone.
3:30am: Dog barking to go out again. Finally admitted to Converse she might of had a bite or two of his blackened steak. He mumbles something under his breath that I am sure was quite nice and then lets her out.
4:00am: Weebok awake.
5:00am: I wake up to the dog barking again while still sitting with Weebok on my lap in her big comfy chair in her room. Neck pain. I let the dog out.
6:00am: All asleep! Relaxation and bliss finally.
7:00am: Alarm goes off to go run 15 miles. HA! Laughter fills the air!
7:45am: Converse asleep, Pug asleep, Weebok asleep, I go run.
Obviously, I wish I wouldn't have given the pug steak. Oops. But I also sometimes wish I weren't a dreamer. But I am. I always develop a vision as to how an activity will turn out. A little Miss Merry Sunshine. The problem usually lies in this expectation because as you know rarely do things turn out exactly as you plan no matter how big or small the activity. The bottom line is perfection does not exist. I need to just chill and enjoy the ride. The bumps are what make the memories even more memorable.
The New Balance Girl
Running Report: Yes, I ran. It hurt. I have nothing else to say about that, thank you very much. I think I am going to go make some Snickerdoodles. That sounds good.Gorgeous weather. It is not hard being Miss Merry Sunshine today! I have no expectations for today except that I will make sure the pug dog is not eating leftover steak.
Needless to say, every year, someone always ends up crying because of things out of my party planning control. Like, the pinata breaks before everyone has a chance to swing at it, the toy called for C batteries not D, the red icing stains on a new tutu that was just put on, or someone pukes. It is only after the post party exhaustion subsides can I fondly look back and enjoy the not so perfect moments and laugh.
This weekend is another example of my preconceived vision. Nike Girl had a sleepover at her BFF's so it was just Converse, Weebok and myself to enjoy the evening. Weebok had an early nap so an early bedtime was to be expected. Converse marinated steaks all day to throw on the grill. Yum! So I dropped Nike Girl off at the sleepover and returned home to enjoy an evening I created in my head as relaxation and bliss.
This is what I got:
As I entered the house through the garage, I smelled smoke. The steaks had caught on fire on the outside grill and flames were flying. Converse was moving in action with spray bottle as his only defense. Result, blackened steak. Medium rare is over rated. At dinner, I snuck the pug dog a piece, ok, maybe two pieces, ok was three pieces. Weebok went to bed only one hour later than expected. We then started the much anticipated movie. The movie that was so slow and boring I fell asleep and so did Converse. We woke up on the couch at midnight with enough energy to make it to bed. Sleeping continued.....sort of.....
1:00am: Dog barking, I let her outside.
2:00am: Dog barking, Converse let her outside. He mumbled, "What is wrong with her?"
2:30am: Dog barking to go out again. I let her outside.
3:00am. Converse is on call, phone rings in this most annoying siren tone.
3:30am: Dog barking to go out again. Finally admitted to Converse she might of had a bite or two of his blackened steak. He mumbles something under his breath that I am sure was quite nice and then lets her out.
4:00am: Weebok awake.
5:00am: I wake up to the dog barking again while still sitting with Weebok on my lap in her big comfy chair in her room. Neck pain. I let the dog out.
6:00am: All asleep! Relaxation and bliss finally.
7:00am: Alarm goes off to go run 15 miles. HA! Laughter fills the air!
7:45am: Converse asleep, Pug asleep, Weebok asleep, I go run.
Obviously, I wish I wouldn't have given the pug steak. Oops. But I also sometimes wish I weren't a dreamer. But I am. I always develop a vision as to how an activity will turn out. A little Miss Merry Sunshine. The problem usually lies in this expectation because as you know rarely do things turn out exactly as you plan no matter how big or small the activity. The bottom line is perfection does not exist. I need to just chill and enjoy the ride. The bumps are what make the memories even more memorable.
The New Balance Girl
Running Report: Yes, I ran. It hurt. I have nothing else to say about that, thank you very much. I think I am going to go make some Snickerdoodles. That sounds good.Gorgeous weather. It is not hard being Miss Merry Sunshine today! I have no expectations for today except that I will make sure the pug dog is not eating leftover steak.
A League of Their Own
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"Hey cowgirls, see the grass? Don't eat it." |
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"Because there's no crying in baseball. THERE'S NO CRYING IN BASEBALL! No crying!" |
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"Now batting for the Peaches, #5, center fielder, Mae Mordabito." |
Girl Power!
The Tooth Fairy
The tooth fairy arrived at 12:10am. I know this because I heard the tooth fairy stub her toe on the end of the bed frame and roll around in excruciating pain. Then I think she had to use her night vision goggles to locate the loose change rolling around under the bed that has 500 Polly Pockets stored. I love the persistence of the tooth fairy! Good thing she didn't break her wings. She arrived just in time for school picture day! Nike Girl is so excited to show off her jack o' lantern grin!
The "New Balance" Gal
Running Report: Completed my half last weekend. It was such a fun race.I will have to post about it. This weekend the fun is over. Running long, longer than I can even think about as I sit here. Will let you know. Have a great day!
An Early Morning
A Gift Named Johnny
Gifts....everyone likes to give gifts and receive gifts, too. Gifts just make you smile. Especially those random gifts that no one suspects they will be getting. Like just the other day a neighbor brought over a bag of chocolates , dark chocolates (which no one likes except me...bonus gift), it made my afternoon. It just amazes me that something so simple can have such an impact.
In bible study we talked about the gift God gave us and the impact that has had on all of our lives. I mean that is the biggest and best gift of all right? No being a topper to that one. But we were curious as to what each of us liked more to give or receive a gift. Well to be honest I like both. Then we were asked to think about the best gift we have ever received? I thought about things big and things small. I thought of the diamond earrings (that I can't find since we moved last year...shhh...don't tell Converse), my first trip to NYC on our anniversary( when I wore cute shoes my first day there resulting in the mother of all blisters while pregnant with Nike Girl), the Mother's Day drawings Nike Girl and Weebok made (forever staining the kitchen placemats), or how about the spa day (promises of no more wrinkles nor muscle tension) I was surprised with on my 40th. All of these gifts I have a memory of and cherish. But what was the best gift I have every received?
Then it hit me. Converse and I had been in Denver for four years. We had just bought our first rowhouse that had a mountain view from the master bedroom window. We were loving our jobs (as much as one could love a job) and we were feeling settled. I had no desire to change anything. I decided to volunteer at a tumbling class that was designed for special needs kids. I was a teacher and I thought that would be wonderful to go and help out. I would help them and give them a "gift". So I showed up and was introduced to my partner Johnny. He was a little blond headed boy that had a rare genetic disorder. He could not speak clearly so he had few words. He was physically disabled making a simple forward roll seem like a mountain to climb. He wanted to do a somersault so bad. He worked and worked and worked. I was beginning to think it might just be impossible.
Until a few months later. I remember this like yesterday and it was almost 15 years ago. Johnny tucked his own head under his body and did his first forward roll with my hands their only to guide. He laid there for a moment in a daze, ( I thought maybe I had managed to break his arm or something), then he stood up and raised his arms in the air as high as he could and yelled , "Johnny did it!!!! Johnny did it!!!!" Then he hugged me and signed more. I obviously broke into tears. And with tears falling and excitement greater than I have ever felt, Johnny continued to do 5 more rolls. Then he wanted to go to the trampoline.
That day I had set out to give my time, a gift, to Johnny, but instead I walked away with Johnny giving me a gift I will never forget. It actually changed the path of Converse and I's life. At that moment I went home and began charting out my path to become a physical therapist. We moved from Denver, a gift Converse gave me to pursue my dream. Two years later, living in a spider infested apartment with lots of Ramen noodles in the cupboard, I walked across the stage and received my diploma and became a pediatric physical therapist. And thanks to Johnny I have lived a passionate life continuing to receive gifts from thousands of special needs kids. Thank you Johnny!
So I guess you may never know when that one little act of kindness, that one little gift, will make a difference in someone's life. What was the best gift you received? I would love to hear.
The "New Balance" Girl
Running Report: I have been hitting the pavement on a regular basis and will be tapering for my half I will run next Sunday. I am excited but nervous because I have not raced officially for a year. Yikes! Hope you are finding cooler temperatures and able to enjoy the great outdoors.I love this time of year.
In bible study we talked about the gift God gave us and the impact that has had on all of our lives. I mean that is the biggest and best gift of all right? No being a topper to that one. But we were curious as to what each of us liked more to give or receive a gift. Well to be honest I like both. Then we were asked to think about the best gift we have ever received? I thought about things big and things small. I thought of the diamond earrings (that I can't find since we moved last year...shhh...don't tell Converse), my first trip to NYC on our anniversary( when I wore cute shoes my first day there resulting in the mother of all blisters while pregnant with Nike Girl), the Mother's Day drawings Nike Girl and Weebok made (forever staining the kitchen placemats), or how about the spa day (promises of no more wrinkles nor muscle tension) I was surprised with on my 40th. All of these gifts I have a memory of and cherish. But what was the best gift I have every received?
Then it hit me. Converse and I had been in Denver for four years. We had just bought our first rowhouse that had a mountain view from the master bedroom window. We were loving our jobs (as much as one could love a job) and we were feeling settled. I had no desire to change anything. I decided to volunteer at a tumbling class that was designed for special needs kids. I was a teacher and I thought that would be wonderful to go and help out. I would help them and give them a "gift". So I showed up and was introduced to my partner Johnny. He was a little blond headed boy that had a rare genetic disorder. He could not speak clearly so he had few words. He was physically disabled making a simple forward roll seem like a mountain to climb. He wanted to do a somersault so bad. He worked and worked and worked. I was beginning to think it might just be impossible.
Until a few months later. I remember this like yesterday and it was almost 15 years ago. Johnny tucked his own head under his body and did his first forward roll with my hands their only to guide. He laid there for a moment in a daze, ( I thought maybe I had managed to break his arm or something), then he stood up and raised his arms in the air as high as he could and yelled , "Johnny did it!!!! Johnny did it!!!!" Then he hugged me and signed more. I obviously broke into tears. And with tears falling and excitement greater than I have ever felt, Johnny continued to do 5 more rolls. Then he wanted to go to the trampoline.
That day I had set out to give my time, a gift, to Johnny, but instead I walked away with Johnny giving me a gift I will never forget. It actually changed the path of Converse and I's life. At that moment I went home and began charting out my path to become a physical therapist. We moved from Denver, a gift Converse gave me to pursue my dream. Two years later, living in a spider infested apartment with lots of Ramen noodles in the cupboard, I walked across the stage and received my diploma and became a pediatric physical therapist. And thanks to Johnny I have lived a passionate life continuing to receive gifts from thousands of special needs kids. Thank you Johnny!
So I guess you may never know when that one little act of kindness, that one little gift, will make a difference in someone's life. What was the best gift you received? I would love to hear.
The "New Balance" Girl
Running Report: I have been hitting the pavement on a regular basis and will be tapering for my half I will run next Sunday. I am excited but nervous because I have not raced officially for a year. Yikes! Hope you are finding cooler temperatures and able to enjoy the great outdoors.I love this time of year.
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