Happy Happy Birthday
50 Years
When I walked down the aisle almost 19 years ago, I didn't realize what a ride it would be. I was clueless, I admit. I was out of college, in love, and ready to get on with my life next to Converse. Personally, I just said the vows, scared that I would somehow forget to talk during the ceremony, and have to resort to writing them. The traditional vows we used seemed foreign, not applicable to our life then. I was living in the moment in a really big veil, wait I mean REALLY big veil, and flowing dress. I was as carefree as you can get.
Years passed and trials big and small developed, our marriage became and still is a work of patience, love, hope, and somedays just tolerance on both of our parts.
So when my parents made it to their 50th wedding anniversary this fall, I had a lightbulb moment! 50 YEARS! Amazing! What a gift to find that one person to stay with from this day forward, to love and to cherish. Through sickness and health, through good times and bad, til the cows come home. That means forever down on the farm.
What a great celebration! 50 pink roses and a day of laughing and remembering. We all heard stories we had not heard before of their dating years, and early years of marriage. My mom put together a DVD of their life. It made us laugh, then it made us cry, then we laughed some more because my family loves to laugh! Converse always says we are loud and out of control and mumble when we speak so no one else understands us. We do everything with passion in laughter or in anger. A good quality most of the time but not always I have learned.
They raised us on a farm teaching us about hard work, learning to get through what ever comes our way. What an amazing journey!
We ended the celebration with going to a surprise concert with John Conley. I use to listen to his music growing up while waiting in the farm truck in the fields during harvest. The funny thing is Converse and I use to sing his "oldie but goodie" tunes in college while riding around in his truck. Match made in heaven. ha!
Here he is singing Rose Colored Glasses. His voice still sounded the same! It was impressive. We had a lot of laughs. Good times, forever memories. Happy 50th Anniversary Mom and Dad!
The "New Balance" Girl
Years passed and trials big and small developed, our marriage became and still is a work of patience, love, hope, and somedays just tolerance on both of our parts.
So when my parents made it to their 50th wedding anniversary this fall, I had a lightbulb moment! 50 YEARS! Amazing! What a gift to find that one person to stay with from this day forward, to love and to cherish. Through sickness and health, through good times and bad, til the cows come home. That means forever down on the farm.
What a great celebration! 50 pink roses and a day of laughing and remembering. We all heard stories we had not heard before of their dating years, and early years of marriage. My mom put together a DVD of their life. It made us laugh, then it made us cry, then we laughed some more because my family loves to laugh! Converse always says we are loud and out of control and mumble when we speak so no one else understands us. We do everything with passion in laughter or in anger. A good quality most of the time but not always I have learned.
They raised us on a farm teaching us about hard work, learning to get through what ever comes our way. What an amazing journey!
We ended the celebration with going to a surprise concert with John Conley. I use to listen to his music growing up while waiting in the farm truck in the fields during harvest. The funny thing is Converse and I use to sing his "oldie but goodie" tunes in college while riding around in his truck. Match made in heaven. ha!
Here he is singing Rose Colored Glasses. His voice still sounded the same! It was impressive. We had a lot of laughs. Good times, forever memories. Happy 50th Anniversary Mom and Dad!
The "New Balance" Girl
Live it Up Saturday
There is nothing better than starting a Saturday watching the sunrise while on a run. Then returning home and making pancakes with lots of syrup and butter and eating them outside on the deck. The leaves are changing colors and the geese are starting to fly overhead. We have had absolutely perfect weather the past few weeks. Sun, sun, and more sun. I just know winter is lurking. I sat on the deck this morning making our Thanksgiving grocery list and thought of how the snow was so high last year we couldn't see the very table I was sitting at for a month. I think tomorrow will be the first big change in the weather patterns this season. We are gearing up. So today we have declared as Live it Up Saturday. Converse already left to go fishing. Nike Girl, Weebok and I plan on playing, jumping, and biking. And of course.......
do a little yoga in the backyard. Too funny! Following this photo they started play kicking each other and laughing in true sibling fashion. Should be a very active day! Hope your Saturday is filled with fun and sun!
The "New Balance" Girl
Running Report: Ok, I am putting this out in the Universe. I am determined to run a 4:00 marathon shaving some 45 minutes off my best time, ugh, at some point in my lifetime. I am not getting any younger. This is a sneak peek of my New Year's Resolutions. I bought a new book about speed training. Sounds easy in print. Not so much in real life. This should work right into my schedule after Girl Scout cookies are out of the house. I have a problem, I really do. Happy Saturday!
do a little yoga in the backyard. Too funny! Following this photo they started play kicking each other and laughing in true sibling fashion. Should be a very active day! Hope your Saturday is filled with fun and sun!
The "New Balance" Girl
Running Report: Ok, I am putting this out in the Universe. I am determined to run a 4:00 marathon shaving some 45 minutes off my best time, ugh, at some point in my lifetime. I am not getting any younger. This is a sneak peek of my New Year's Resolutions. I bought a new book about speed training. Sounds easy in print. Not so much in real life. This should work right into my schedule after Girl Scout cookies are out of the house. I have a problem, I really do. Happy Saturday!
Watch out Squirrels
There is a new boy in town!
He now has gained weight and has a new red collar, a bath with Fancy Nancy bubble soap, he is garnished with pink and purple beads, and has his very own dinosaur chew toy.
He was found roaming the woods with this orange hunting collar, hungry and thirsty. He ended up in a shelter and the rest is history.
He appears to be a 2 year old lab/golden retriever mix.
He is gentle and loves to chase squirrels and play ball.
I think he may be a running partner.
This little thing......
She has been our baby for 12 years. I wanted to name our second child Sophie but decided the family would think we were nuts. Ilove her name! She was named before children were even in the plan. She is still the princess and sits on the top of the couch and looks down at Sal as he tosses a ball or chew toy into the air as if what is his problem. She is more cat like than a dog.
That is our Fur Family.
The "New Balance" Girl
Who Ate All the Candy?
Where are the mounds of candy bars, starbursts, tootsie rolls, laffy taffy, and hot tamales? We had two sacks worth of junk. I think one neighbor was "that house" and gave them bags of carrots. The topper was a house that gave out wedding mints left over from their daughters wedding. Reduce, reuse, recycle. So where did it all go?
The "New Balance" Girl
Is this what we are left with... Wax lips?
They better hide those too I may eat them in a pinch.
The "New Balance" Girl
Running Report: Still plugging away. This week I am running off the candy! More later. Have a great day.
Jack-o-Lantern Express
The festivities started over the weekend with a train ride on the jack-o-lantern express....
I wanted to do something special since Converse was out of town and would be for awhile. So I searched and found a little train with a high price tag that prormised as the ad stated "a ride through the woods complete with fall leaves falling and autumn in the air. The end of the journey awaited games and a festival for the kids ages 1-99." What fun! I am still belly laughing.
The adventure started sitting on an original passenger car decorated with plastic orange pumpkins hanging from the ceiling. The seats had springs poking through them that became quite the excitement as we blazed through the "woods" on the jack-o-lantern express. The woods consisted of homes on both sides of the track and an industrial park with tall smoke stacks. So much for fresh air but I did not say a word, At one point NikeGirl said," I don't want to be critical mommy but I think I could run faster than this." I simply said this is certainly the engine that could (or could not).
As we approached the festival excitement grew. The girls were peering out the window. Again, I said not a word as we pulled up and I peered over my shoulder. The express stopped sandwiched between a busy interstate and a major highway. We were in the triangle of noise and pollution. I could not even hear the girls talk. I was so gald Converse was out of town. I don't think he would of made it through this adventure.
The girls got off and waited in line to play ring toss with one ring, fished for magnetic fish in a rubbermaid container, and got a face tattoo. Before we reboarded we snapped a photo by the decorations.
Weebok's face was priceless. I felt the same way but did not say a word. They gave the girls a piece of gum when we reboarded and off we went back so very slowly back to the station. I furiously texted Converse and said, " I hope the jack-o-lantern express does not get on the wrong line with the Amtrack express. We will be toast."
As I sat peering out the window laughing inside and thinking how much we got for the money, I looked at the girls across from me. They were smiling and laughing. They had no idea how bad that sucked! I realized something on the jack-o-lantern express that day. The wonder in a child's eyes is only there for a short time. It is sad how that wonder gets lost as we get older. I am so glad I had self control and did not say too much and start complaining. I am glad I was able to belly laugh rather than be verbally critical, which I still need to work on. I am glad because when we got off the train and headed home, not one complaint was heard from the backseat. Either they were in shock as I or they had a good time. I think it was the latter.
It was a good day.
The " New Balance" Girl
I wanted to do something special since Converse was out of town and would be for awhile. So I searched and found a little train with a high price tag that prormised as the ad stated "a ride through the woods complete with fall leaves falling and autumn in the air. The end of the journey awaited games and a festival for the kids ages 1-99." What fun! I am still belly laughing.
The adventure started sitting on an original passenger car decorated with plastic orange pumpkins hanging from the ceiling. The seats had springs poking through them that became quite the excitement as we blazed through the "woods" on the jack-o-lantern express. The woods consisted of homes on both sides of the track and an industrial park with tall smoke stacks. So much for fresh air but I did not say a word, At one point NikeGirl said," I don't want to be critical mommy but I think I could run faster than this." I simply said this is certainly the engine that could (or could not).
As we approached the festival excitement grew. The girls were peering out the window. Again, I said not a word as we pulled up and I peered over my shoulder. The express stopped sandwiched between a busy interstate and a major highway. We were in the triangle of noise and pollution. I could not even hear the girls talk. I was so gald Converse was out of town. I don't think he would of made it through this adventure.
The girls got off and waited in line to play ring toss with one ring, fished for magnetic fish in a rubbermaid container, and got a face tattoo. Before we reboarded we snapped a photo by the decorations.
Weebok's face was priceless. I felt the same way but did not say a word. They gave the girls a piece of gum when we reboarded and off we went back so very slowly back to the station. I furiously texted Converse and said, " I hope the jack-o-lantern express does not get on the wrong line with the Amtrack express. We will be toast."
As I sat peering out the window laughing inside and thinking how much we got for the money, I looked at the girls across from me. They were smiling and laughing. They had no idea how bad that sucked! I realized something on the jack-o-lantern express that day. The wonder in a child's eyes is only there for a short time. It is sad how that wonder gets lost as we get older. I am so glad I had self control and did not say too much and start complaining. I am glad I was able to belly laugh rather than be verbally critical, which I still need to work on. I am glad because when we got off the train and headed home, not one complaint was heard from the backseat. Either they were in shock as I or they had a good time. I think it was the latter.
It was a good day.
The " New Balance" Girl
Mother Knows Best (or so they say)
You know how sometimes you mean to say one thing but it comes out so different you just stand there and think, "I hope no one heard me." It is one thing if you do that to a spouse or close friend. They usually just look at me and laugh.
Being a mom, however, catches you off guard all the time. At any second in conversation you may be asked to solve any one of the world's most complexing questions. You have to know the answer that is supportive, loving yet truthful. Because mother knows best, right?
Here are some recent examples.
Example #1: Nike Girl walking out of the bathroom 30 seconds before we have to walk out the door to school. She had asked if she could wear some lip gloss. I said sure but please hurrry. She comes prancing down the stairs and says, I am ready mommy. How do I look? I turn and look at her with an affirming smile that stopped in mid track. I literally gasp! out loud with hand gesture over my mouth and all! Clear lip gloss was bright red gooey paraben infested lipstick from her toy princess bag used only as dress up. My gasp sent her to the bathroom in tears. I give her a 10 second lesson on blotting and how clear lip gloss is the way to go in the daytime hours. She makes it to school before the tardy bell with red smears but clear coated lips. I did not mention the smears on the side of her face. Parenting is so spontaneous.
Example #2: Nike Girl loves to act and sing. She attended a week long theatre camp toward the end of summer. They had try-outs the first day of the camp. She came home upset. She had been casted a Thug instead of a Princess. I sat her down and said that you can not get a lead part every time. You should concentrate on being the best Thug there is.....She told me who was cast as the princesses. One happened to be her dear friend with blonde locks like Cinderella. I said, Nike Girl, part of acting is looking the part. Your friend looks like she could play Cinderella with her golden hair so maybe....she stopped me and held back the tears as she asked with long dramatic pauses......"You mean to tell me Mommy....that...I.....look.....like....a....thug?" That is not what I meant at all but my words did seem to be leaning in that direction! I had to back peddle like no ones business to get out of that hornet's nest. She ended up in her mother's eyes of being the best thug ever!
I could go on and on with examples. Each day I wake up and pray that the words I say and my actions are encouraging and loving to those I encounter. I win some and obviously I lose some. I just didn't really give it much thought as to how important your words asa mother really become as your child grows and begins to question you, herself and the world. Mother knows best are big shoes to fill! It keeps life interesting! Besides,someday it will give them something to blog about.
The "New Balance" Girl
Running Report: Start of school has been all about running.....running around to activities and events....and finding the time to train. I have a half coming up in another week. I am excited! I still go back and forth with a full this fall. Time as I mentioned is by far the biggest challenge. I can't seem to find it right now. I need a big planner to get organized. Autumn is coming and I love love love this time of year when it is cool in the mornings again. Peace.
Being a mom, however, catches you off guard all the time. At any second in conversation you may be asked to solve any one of the world's most complexing questions. You have to know the answer that is supportive, loving yet truthful. Because mother knows best, right?
Here are some recent examples.
Example #1: Nike Girl walking out of the bathroom 30 seconds before we have to walk out the door to school. She had asked if she could wear some lip gloss. I said sure but please hurrry. She comes prancing down the stairs and says, I am ready mommy. How do I look? I turn and look at her with an affirming smile that stopped in mid track. I literally gasp! out loud with hand gesture over my mouth and all! Clear lip gloss was bright red gooey paraben infested lipstick from her toy princess bag used only as dress up. My gasp sent her to the bathroom in tears. I give her a 10 second lesson on blotting and how clear lip gloss is the way to go in the daytime hours. She makes it to school before the tardy bell with red smears but clear coated lips. I did not mention the smears on the side of her face. Parenting is so spontaneous.
Example #2: Nike Girl loves to act and sing. She attended a week long theatre camp toward the end of summer. They had try-outs the first day of the camp. She came home upset. She had been casted a Thug instead of a Princess. I sat her down and said that you can not get a lead part every time. You should concentrate on being the best Thug there is.....She told me who was cast as the princesses. One happened to be her dear friend with blonde locks like Cinderella. I said, Nike Girl, part of acting is looking the part. Your friend looks like she could play Cinderella with her golden hair so maybe....she stopped me and held back the tears as she asked with long dramatic pauses......"You mean to tell me Mommy....that...I.....look.....like....a....thug?" That is not what I meant at all but my words did seem to be leaning in that direction! I had to back peddle like no ones business to get out of that hornet's nest. She ended up in her mother's eyes of being the best thug ever!
I could go on and on with examples. Each day I wake up and pray that the words I say and my actions are encouraging and loving to those I encounter. I win some and obviously I lose some. I just didn't really give it much thought as to how important your words asa mother really become as your child grows and begins to question you, herself and the world. Mother knows best are big shoes to fill! It keeps life interesting! Besides,someday it will give them something to blog about.
The "New Balance" Girl
Running Report: Start of school has been all about running.....running around to activities and events....and finding the time to train. I have a half coming up in another week. I am excited! I still go back and forth with a full this fall. Time as I mentioned is by far the biggest challenge. I can't seem to find it right now. I need a big planner to get organized. Autumn is coming and I love love love this time of year when it is cool in the mornings again. Peace.
Summer's End
By summer's end, the 100 degree temperatures began taking a toll on everything. The grass was turning pitiful brown, the flowers were drooping, and the swimming pool felt like bath water. During these dog days of summer we decided to head to the "hills" and get some relief.
The "New Balance" Girl
Euro Jumping on a mountain makes it seem like you are flying. |
Do you know how hard it was to keep track of the three little duckies the entire trip? At least it is better than the package of wipes she slept with for weeks. |
Hiking in the morning ROCKS! If everyone started their morning off with this I predict there would be no more road rage on the morning commute to work. |
Converse and Weebok enjoying the awesome trail system. But remember what goes down...has to go up. Oops! Forgot that little physics lesson. |
Nike Girl and I hoping the bike we rented made it back to town. It was a little shaky to say the least. Makes me laugh! |
A great view with some great smiles.
Good-bye Hills! Thanks for the memories!
The "New Balance" Girl
Heatwave 2011
I am thankful for little backyard pools that allow me to work in the yard and garden on summer mornings. Hope you find some relief from the heat, too!
The "New Balance" Girl
A Day on the Farm
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Cowgirls |
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like to play |
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in Nana and Papa's garden |
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on a HOT 4th of July! |
The "New Balance" Girl
Running Report: HOT! Early am is the only time to run. Countdown to the fall race! Did I mention HOT?
Livin' in a Bubble
Every morning since Nike Girl could walk, actually run as she has never walked, we would raise her window shade to look outside and see if it could possibly be an outdoor playing day. Her little sister is now following in her shadow. We always say a little Thank you Lord for today and the sun or clouds or wind or rain. I even muster up a thank you for the snow because I know it is the right thing to do. This little morning tradition is expected around our house without fail.
I think the girls are following in my footsteps by becoming little outdoorsy active souls. On weekends, after my early morning long run, the girls are waiting by the front door with bed hair ready to go with me outside and "run" themselves. So back on the trail we head to go over to a neighborhood pond and throw rocks or see tadpoles. The newest adventure is to climb the rocks around the pond's edge and watch the girls spit into the water to make the little perch think it is a bug to eat. Gross but oddly fun and as Converse says....it is free entertainment.
We bike, we skate, we hula hoop, we pogo stick, we hopscotch, we zipline in the backyard, we dance, we climb trees, we swim, we jump on our trampoline for hours, we are a family that does not live in a bubble. Outdoor adventures make us happy. Well they did make us happy. Until this.......
Our first broken bone in our family (besides when I broke my leg in high school chasing a boy and fell down a flight of steps because untied high tops were cool). Oh the guilt......Weebok and Nike Girl were at a birthday party jumpin' and playin' on a trampoline like we do all the time. When "pop"Weebok fell and did not get up. I was inside and Converse had just turned his back for a second. So off we went to the ER. Oh the guilt of letting her jump on the trampoline.... at 2...... Poor baby! Nike Girl and I were quietly shedding tears along side Weebok when she chose "puple" as her cast color. Oh the guilt....did I mention that? And the looks of the nursing staff real or imaginary, probably the latter...saying," Why would a mother let a 2 year old on a large trampoline with older kids then go inside to eat a bag of chips " because that is why I left my sweet baby's side and went in...to indulge in junk food! Oh the guilt.....
We are a few days out. Three weeks left with a waterproof cast. The best possible fracture scenario.We have continued swimming per doctor's advice. The looks I see from under my sunglasses are funny really as the other mom's look from afar like I have a big red light above my head flashing...irresponsible! Ok, maybe a little dramatic. But I did have two fellow mother's say, " Well, I would never let my children on a trampoline, they are dangerous." Thank you for your opinion and sharing it with a complete stranger whom has cried every night with mommy guilt!
Bottom line is...as Converse and Weebok are sitting on a park bench, his arm in a cast and sling (previous post Wonderboy) and she is sporting a "puple" cast that we do not live in a bubble and never will. We will continue to be calculated risk takers because life is a lot of fun when you are challenging yourself to move and play. We will just be a little more careful when we chase bubbles.
The "New Balance" Girl
Running Report: Running almost daily in the early am which has done my soul good. The weather has made for some great outdoor playing days! I have been watching these 4 little geese grow by a pond near our house. The momma and dada geese are very protective and honk at me each morning. It makes me laugh out loud. I ponder if they will live in a bubble or let their little ones fly solo one day? Have a great day!
I think the girls are following in my footsteps by becoming little outdoorsy active souls. On weekends, after my early morning long run, the girls are waiting by the front door with bed hair ready to go with me outside and "run" themselves. So back on the trail we head to go over to a neighborhood pond and throw rocks or see tadpoles. The newest adventure is to climb the rocks around the pond's edge and watch the girls spit into the water to make the little perch think it is a bug to eat. Gross but oddly fun and as Converse says....it is free entertainment.
We bike, we skate, we hula hoop, we pogo stick, we hopscotch, we zipline in the backyard, we dance, we climb trees, we swim, we jump on our trampoline for hours, we are a family that does not live in a bubble. Outdoor adventures make us happy. Well they did make us happy. Until this.......
Our first broken bone in our family (besides when I broke my leg in high school chasing a boy and fell down a flight of steps because untied high tops were cool). Oh the guilt......Weebok and Nike Girl were at a birthday party jumpin' and playin' on a trampoline like we do all the time. When "pop"Weebok fell and did not get up. I was inside and Converse had just turned his back for a second. So off we went to the ER. Oh the guilt of letting her jump on the trampoline.... at 2...... Poor baby! Nike Girl and I were quietly shedding tears along side Weebok when she chose "puple" as her cast color. Oh the guilt....did I mention that? And the looks of the nursing staff real or imaginary, probably the latter...saying," Why would a mother let a 2 year old on a large trampoline with older kids then go inside to eat a bag of chips " because that is why I left my sweet baby's side and went in...to indulge in junk food! Oh the guilt.....
We are a few days out. Three weeks left with a waterproof cast. The best possible fracture scenario.We have continued swimming per doctor's advice. The looks I see from under my sunglasses are funny really as the other mom's look from afar like I have a big red light above my head flashing...irresponsible! Ok, maybe a little dramatic. But I did have two fellow mother's say, " Well, I would never let my children on a trampoline, they are dangerous." Thank you for your opinion and sharing it with a complete stranger whom has cried every night with mommy guilt!
Bottom line is...as Converse and Weebok are sitting on a park bench, his arm in a cast and sling (previous post Wonderboy) and she is sporting a "puple" cast that we do not live in a bubble and never will. We will continue to be calculated risk takers because life is a lot of fun when you are challenging yourself to move and play. We will just be a little more careful when we chase bubbles.
The "New Balance" Girl
Running Report: Running almost daily in the early am which has done my soul good. The weather has made for some great outdoor playing days! I have been watching these 4 little geese grow by a pond near our house. The momma and dada geese are very protective and honk at me each morning. It makes me laugh out loud. I ponder if they will live in a bubble or let their little ones fly solo one day? Have a great day!
Summer Sailing
Aren't spontaneous "get-togethers" with friends on a clear summer evening fun?
Even more fun when they bring their little sailboat that could.
The "New Balance" Girl
It was the bottom of the 9th. Thunder could be heard in the distant sky. You could smell the rain in the air. Bases were loaded with two outs and a full count. The batter's forehead beaded up with sweat. His teammates were yelling banter from the dugout. "C'mon Hobbs, knock the cover off the ball!" He dug into the ground with his cleats. The crowd roared. He remembered his dad always telling him to get the elbow high and squash the bug with his foot. "Dig in son and hit the ball!" He dared not blink. The ball came in hard and fast and a little to the outside. He rotated his torso and extended his arm with all of his might. Lightning flashed onto the field. The wooden bat made contact as a loud pop was heard.......
Oh how I wish for Converse's sake, this story had a "Rudy" ending. I wish the loud pop had been from the cracking bat. It wasn't. Here is how the story really goes.
It was the bottom of the third. The sun was setting at an angle sure to blind everyone who was up to bat. You could smell Copenhagen from a mile away because none of the player's wives would knowingly let them chew. No one was on base. No one really even made it to base yet. The batter's hamstring was hurting. His teammates were yelling banter from the dugout. ""I told you Hobbs, people don't start playing ball at your age, they retire!" He dug his cleats into the dirt noticing his socks did not match because his wife had folded laundry with two screaming children under foot. The one person in the stands was a newlywed wife of one of the players. She sat quietly while drinking her diet soda probably counting how many games she will have to sit through if she is married for 50 years. She was not smiling. He remembered his dad telling him to" not play like a girl son". He dared not blink but the sun in his eyes made it an impossible task. The softball came in slow and high. He rotated his torso and extended his arm with all of his might. As he swung the bat a loud pop was heard. Actually a snap, crackle, pop echoed as his bat made contact with the air. His arm fell to his side. It was not pretty. He sat in the dugout for a few moments with a makeshift ice bag and a dangling arm, scared to go home. His teammates asked him if he was sure he could not play. He called his wife from the dugout to tell her he was contemplating whether or not he should go to the emergency room, the second time this season. His softball career was over. She sighed loudly.
Ruptured bicep tendon. Surgery. Full length arm cast. Vacations postponed. Modified self care skills. These are a few of Wonderboy's favorite things.
The raw truth hurts the worst. After many years of competitive ball starting with t-ball as a toddler, Little League through grade school, traveling ball as a high schooler followed with a stint in college, his ball career had ended. It ended abruptly on a Monday evening in May when he failed to make contact with a slow pitched softball in a men's recreational "C" league bracket playing the bad news bears.
The way I see it you had a good run, Converse. Never say never. Healthcare flexible spending account starts fresh after the first of the year.
The "New Balance" Girl
Running Report: With humor aside, I am so thankful Converse will heal up in no time. I think he will play again as he loves the sport. Just like I have been loving my early morning runs. I am so thankful to be able to get out in the morning air and clear my mind. I have been running 4-6 miles at least 3 days a week and then run a longer run on the weekends. That seems to keep me occupied for the time being. I still dream of Boston which will be my "Rudy" moment. A fall marathon is sounding like the plan.
Oh how I wish for Converse's sake, this story had a "Rudy" ending. I wish the loud pop had been from the cracking bat. It wasn't. Here is how the story really goes.
It was the bottom of the third. The sun was setting at an angle sure to blind everyone who was up to bat. You could smell Copenhagen from a mile away because none of the player's wives would knowingly let them chew. No one was on base. No one really even made it to base yet. The batter's hamstring was hurting. His teammates were yelling banter from the dugout. ""I told you Hobbs, people don't start playing ball at your age, they retire!" He dug his cleats into the dirt noticing his socks did not match because his wife had folded laundry with two screaming children under foot. The one person in the stands was a newlywed wife of one of the players. She sat quietly while drinking her diet soda probably counting how many games she will have to sit through if she is married for 50 years. She was not smiling. He remembered his dad telling him to" not play like a girl son". He dared not blink but the sun in his eyes made it an impossible task. The softball came in slow and high. He rotated his torso and extended his arm with all of his might. As he swung the bat a loud pop was heard. Actually a snap, crackle, pop echoed as his bat made contact with the air. His arm fell to his side. It was not pretty. He sat in the dugout for a few moments with a makeshift ice bag and a dangling arm, scared to go home. His teammates asked him if he was sure he could not play. He called his wife from the dugout to tell her he was contemplating whether or not he should go to the emergency room, the second time this season. His softball career was over. She sighed loudly.
Ruptured bicep tendon. Surgery. Full length arm cast. Vacations postponed. Modified self care skills. These are a few of Wonderboy's favorite things.
The raw truth hurts the worst. After many years of competitive ball starting with t-ball as a toddler, Little League through grade school, traveling ball as a high schooler followed with a stint in college, his ball career had ended. It ended abruptly on a Monday evening in May when he failed to make contact with a slow pitched softball in a men's recreational "C" league bracket playing the bad news bears.
The way I see it you had a good run, Converse. Never say never. Healthcare flexible spending account starts fresh after the first of the year.
The "New Balance" Girl
Running Report: With humor aside, I am so thankful Converse will heal up in no time. I think he will play again as he loves the sport. Just like I have been loving my early morning runs. I am so thankful to be able to get out in the morning air and clear my mind. I have been running 4-6 miles at least 3 days a week and then run a longer run on the weekends. That seems to keep me occupied for the time being. I still dream of Boston which will be my "Rudy" moment. A fall marathon is sounding like the plan.
Tornado Alley
I have always said I love the weather. Growing up in the Midwest on a grain/livestock farm has made me appreciate looking at the sky and analyzing the clouds for as long as I can remember. My family would be out in the fields trying to harvest crops or work up the land getting it ready to plant the next crop while always looking to the west and south for developing thunderheads. I may not of known the names of the clouds, but from the back tail gate of the farm truck, I would look up and I knew what was about to come. Take big puffy clouds mixed with a hot southwest wind and that spelled trouble. Sure enough by early evening, the lightening would begin in the horizon and we would be scrambling to drive back to the fields my dad and brother were farming to take them to safety. It drove me nuts that my dad and brother would turn and make one more pass in the field before stopping. They would wait until the last possible second, when the gust front would move in, to retreat out of the combine or tractor and into the cab of the truck for safety. I was comforted as I ducked in the backseat of the Pontiac, that it was just Jesus rolling potatoes down the hill. I find myself telling the girls that now as it makes storms a little less scary.
I have seen many funnels develop, 6 tornadoes, and hail the size of softballs fall. But Sundays outbreak has made me stop in my tracks. Our families live close by Sunday's Joplin tornado. Joplin was our go to metro area growing up. I knew that afternoon conditions were setting up. Even though, I do not live there now, I always watch the radar and analyze some maps for my parents and Converse's parents. As a matter of fact, my friends that are closest to me, that are strung out around the country, know my love of the weather. They text me and call me Supercell Suz, as soon as the skies start turning dark. It makes me smile.
On Sunday, there were several regions stretching into Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Kansas, and Missouri that I began monitoring from afar, sending out texts as conditions changed. It was quickly becoming the perfect storm as the afternoon heated. Some friends were at ballgames, some were at outdoor activities, and others were at home. All it was going to take was for the cap of high pressure to break. It did not take long. It broke alright. The problem was....no one really knew what was happening. It happened fast.
The EF5 multi-vortex monster was rain wrapped. By report of friends, it looked like a wall of dark rain clouds moving in. My in-laws said the sirens sounded but they just saw heavy rain moving in. When the sirens blast everyone turns on the tv or turns up the radio to see what is going on. In the Midwest, the sirens go off at least 5 if not more times a season.It is not that you ignore it, it is just that you are use to it and your eyes go to the sky. Unfortunately, the eye did not tell the whole truth of the strength of this tornado. Thankfully, my parents who were leaving for Joplin but decided to just go to the local town found refuge at a church when the hail started coming from the north and south at the same time. The funnel started over their small town we later learned from the Weather Channel who drove through town that it then intensified from there. As it moved into Joplin, I later learned that a close friend and her family had just left a shopping center, that was minutes later destroyed. They made it to safety but the what ifs haunt them. My in-laws, were safe at home a few miles away watching it unfold on tv rather than eating out that Sunday evening, again thankfully. It did not take long for the lives of thousands of people to change forever....destruction set in.
The stories I hear fill my heart with intense sadness and empathy for the victims. I kept hearing more and more stories of loss and despair. It was overwhelming. One young person lost her husband and two children at Home Depot right after they dropped her off to work at the hospital. That is so incredibly sad. There are so many more like this story. Just when the stories of despair are heard, almost in the same breath you hear an amazing story of courage and miracles. It is difficult to watch it all unfold but it is impossible to understand something of this magnitude, don't you think? My prayers go out to those who have lost their children, husbands, wives, parents, grandparents, friends......the list goes on. Below is a link you can cut and paste that will show you the before and after pictures of the area.
Together, we can make a difference, by praying for the people who are affected across the country and world by similar scenarios this spring. It leaves you speechless.
The "New Balance" gal
I have seen many funnels develop, 6 tornadoes, and hail the size of softballs fall. But Sundays outbreak has made me stop in my tracks. Our families live close by Sunday's Joplin tornado. Joplin was our go to metro area growing up. I knew that afternoon conditions were setting up. Even though, I do not live there now, I always watch the radar and analyze some maps for my parents and Converse's parents. As a matter of fact, my friends that are closest to me, that are strung out around the country, know my love of the weather. They text me and call me Supercell Suz, as soon as the skies start turning dark. It makes me smile.
On Sunday, there were several regions stretching into Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Kansas, and Missouri that I began monitoring from afar, sending out texts as conditions changed. It was quickly becoming the perfect storm as the afternoon heated. Some friends were at ballgames, some were at outdoor activities, and others were at home. All it was going to take was for the cap of high pressure to break. It did not take long. It broke alright. The problem was....no one really knew what was happening. It happened fast.
The EF5 multi-vortex monster was rain wrapped. By report of friends, it looked like a wall of dark rain clouds moving in. My in-laws said the sirens sounded but they just saw heavy rain moving in. When the sirens blast everyone turns on the tv or turns up the radio to see what is going on. In the Midwest, the sirens go off at least 5 if not more times a season.It is not that you ignore it, it is just that you are use to it and your eyes go to the sky. Unfortunately, the eye did not tell the whole truth of the strength of this tornado. Thankfully, my parents who were leaving for Joplin but decided to just go to the local town found refuge at a church when the hail started coming from the north and south at the same time. The funnel started over their small town we later learned from the Weather Channel who drove through town that it then intensified from there. As it moved into Joplin, I later learned that a close friend and her family had just left a shopping center, that was minutes later destroyed. They made it to safety but the what ifs haunt them. My in-laws, were safe at home a few miles away watching it unfold on tv rather than eating out that Sunday evening, again thankfully. It did not take long for the lives of thousands of people to change forever....destruction set in.
The stories I hear fill my heart with intense sadness and empathy for the victims. I kept hearing more and more stories of loss and despair. It was overwhelming. One young person lost her husband and two children at Home Depot right after they dropped her off to work at the hospital. That is so incredibly sad. There are so many more like this story. Just when the stories of despair are heard, almost in the same breath you hear an amazing story of courage and miracles. It is difficult to watch it all unfold but it is impossible to understand something of this magnitude, don't you think? My prayers go out to those who have lost their children, husbands, wives, parents, grandparents, friends......the list goes on. Below is a link you can cut and paste that will show you the before and after pictures of the area.
Together, we can make a difference, by praying for the people who are affected across the country and world by similar scenarios this spring. It leaves you speechless.
The "New Balance" gal
Easter Memories
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Chocolate Bunnies... Big Hair Bows....Baby Ducks and Geese |
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New Jump Rope.....Mud Puddles....Sidewalk Chalk |
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Love.....Hope....Peace |
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Happy Easter! |
I Heart ....
I heart ..... my future "Title 9" girls loving a little challenge in nature on a cold early spring day.
I heart ..... Daddy-Daughter dances that result in big hugs, smiles, fruit punch mustaches and days of singing "The YMCA". Converse may have pulled a hamstring.
I heart.... that Nike Girl ran her first 1/2 mile race and full mile race this past weekend for a charity. And even cooler, she wants to do it again! So we are in May.....
I heart.... that Weebok makes her Barbie Jeep go so fast she needs safety goggles...or so she thinks. Oh wait those are my college chemistry goggles we have packed around for 7 states now. I knew I kept them for a reason.
Life gets so full of "things" that we need to remember what we really heart...... What do you heart?
The "New Balance" Girl
Running Report: I am training for a half in May. Very excited to race again. This past weekend I did a four mile run 35:29. That is a PR for me so it made me smile plus it was for a fantastic cause. What made me belly laugh, however, was that the female winner ran 20:03. She needed Weebok's safety goggles!
I heart ..... Daddy-Daughter dances that result in big hugs, smiles, fruit punch mustaches and days of singing "The YMCA". Converse may have pulled a hamstring.
I heart.... that Nike Girl ran her first 1/2 mile race and full mile race this past weekend for a charity. And even cooler, she wants to do it again! So we are in May.....
I heart.... that Weebok makes her Barbie Jeep go so fast she needs safety goggles...or so she thinks. Oh wait those are my college chemistry goggles we have packed around for 7 states now. I knew I kept them for a reason.
Life gets so full of "things" that we need to remember what we really heart...... What do you heart?
The "New Balance" Girl
Running Report: I am training for a half in May. Very excited to race again. This past weekend I did a four mile run 35:29. That is a PR for me so it made me smile plus it was for a fantastic cause. What made me belly laugh, however, was that the female winner ran 20:03. She needed Weebok's safety goggles!
Winter Funlooza
I feel like I have been in hibernation with my blog lately. I have thought of several blog worthy topics.Actually some very funny things have happened in the past month. But I just never made it to the computer after the family went to bed to jot them down. The cloudy days,snow, and cold weather made me want to curl up with a fuzzy blanket, watch House Hunters International , and drink some warm green tea.
But Spring is days away according to the calender. It is the topic of most everyone I have talked to lately. It has been a wacky winter. But we have made the best of it. Here is a quick glimpse of our "Winter Funlooza". Snow was the main theme.
The "New Balance" Girl
But Spring is days away according to the calender. It is the topic of most everyone I have talked to lately. It has been a wacky winter. But we have made the best of it. Here is a quick glimpse of our "Winter Funlooza". Snow was the main theme.
The "New Balance" Girl
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Blizzard Warning
A blizzard.....I think blizzards are for eating, don't you agree? I prefer toffee whirled into rich chocolate ice cream, my favorite.
What an impressive storm! When I first woke up this morning I thought maybe I could ride the blizzard out in the hot tub under the gazebo drinking Italian Hot Chocolate all day. Then I wondered what the noise was coming down the hall. A parade of very loud musical instruments and chanting. Nike Girl and her sidekick Weebok, were singing slash yelling "Snow day, snow day, we don't have school day." while beating the drums. Scratch the hot tub.
My day started taking shape as we planned pretend news broadcast, pre-preschool curriculum, changed baby doll diapers with Wet Ones, the same ones that Weebok sleeps with (see previous post) and voted on what type of cookies to bake while scripting out a cooking show. Throw in a few texts from Converse who is in a very warm muggy climate this week, informing me the wind chill where he is at is around 79 degrees. And whew....we may be home bound but we will not be bored.
Hope you are staying warm, entertained, and finding time for that cup of Italian Hot Chocolate.
The "New Balance" Girl
Running Report:
Inside obviously...4 miles at 9:13. May be just may be I am getting a little faster. When you have a 2 year old still in the exersaucer watching a movie and starting to want out at mile 2 coupled with a 7 year old asking 100 questions about the Titanic, it makes you run fast to finish up. Too bad I couldn't get the car out of the garage to go buy a Bizzard afterwards. This type of attitude toward food is why I am not fast...mental note. Peace.
What an impressive storm! When I first woke up this morning I thought maybe I could ride the blizzard out in the hot tub under the gazebo drinking Italian Hot Chocolate all day. Then I wondered what the noise was coming down the hall. A parade of very loud musical instruments and chanting. Nike Girl and her sidekick Weebok, were singing slash yelling "Snow day, snow day, we don't have school day." while beating the drums. Scratch the hot tub.
My day started taking shape as we planned pretend news broadcast, pre-preschool curriculum, changed baby doll diapers with Wet Ones, the same ones that Weebok sleeps with (see previous post) and voted on what type of cookies to bake while scripting out a cooking show. Throw in a few texts from Converse who is in a very warm muggy climate this week, informing me the wind chill where he is at is around 79 degrees. And whew....we may be home bound but we will not be bored.
Hope you are staying warm, entertained, and finding time for that cup of Italian Hot Chocolate.
The "New Balance" Girl
Running Report:
Inside obviously...4 miles at 9:13. May be just may be I am getting a little faster. When you have a 2 year old still in the exersaucer watching a movie and starting to want out at mile 2 coupled with a 7 year old asking 100 questions about the Titanic, it makes you run fast to finish up. Too bad I couldn't get the car out of the garage to go buy a Bizzard afterwards. This type of attitude toward food is why I am not fast...mental note. Peace.
Still I Ponder....
Tonight I find myself pondering about parenting things that make no sense to me. You would think at our age, Converse and I could come up with some reasonable explanation to most issues that arise in our home. After all, I say to myself, I am the parent, well into adulthood, some would argue even middle aged, I pay a mortgage, I drive a car, I can buy lottery tickets......parenting should be a snap. No, not that easy.
At the top of the list for instance, why does Nike Girl , an avid promoter of Crunchberries, now insist on eating Fruit Loops with mustard squirted on top of the bowl and no milk every morning before school? I realize I could refuse to serve them to her, but it really isn't hurting much of anything other than my own appetite. I even secretly want to try it. Maybe she is on to something. Like the person who decided to put jalepenos in jelly or squeeze an almond to make milk, the results are quite surprising. Still I ponder....
Here's another one....why is Weebok, at barely 2, who plays with dolls all day, deciding to sleep with a plastic blue rubber duck, a package of Wet Ones, and a Clifford book? Nothing snuggly about the loveys she has chosen. Do you know how many times the blue duck, package of Wet Ones, and Clifford book have been lost? Too many times to count. I find this interesting and very, very stressful to locate each night. Still I ponder....
I suppose I will continue to ponder until I find the answers to parenting and really life in general. The best I can do for now is get a good nights sleep and wake up ready to see what surprises are in store for tomorrow. What will the new challenge be....I ponder.
The New Balance Girl
Running Report: Ahhh...I have not written a running report in awhile. I have been on the treadmill most days which I usually can't stand. But I have been liking it thanks to some new i tunes downloads. I also find myself pondering about life on the treadmill since I don't have to be on alert the entire run watching for cars, bicycle bells and critters on the trail. I have been running about 24 miles a week. Slowly building up for spring running season. I love spring runs! I can't wait.
At the top of the list for instance, why does Nike Girl , an avid promoter of Crunchberries, now insist on eating Fruit Loops with mustard squirted on top of the bowl and no milk every morning before school? I realize I could refuse to serve them to her, but it really isn't hurting much of anything other than my own appetite. I even secretly want to try it. Maybe she is on to something. Like the person who decided to put jalepenos in jelly or squeeze an almond to make milk, the results are quite surprising. Still I ponder....
Here's another one....why is Weebok, at barely 2, who plays with dolls all day, deciding to sleep with a plastic blue rubber duck, a package of Wet Ones, and a Clifford book? Nothing snuggly about the loveys she has chosen. Do you know how many times the blue duck, package of Wet Ones, and Clifford book have been lost? Too many times to count. I find this interesting and very, very stressful to locate each night. Still I ponder....
I suppose I will continue to ponder until I find the answers to parenting and really life in general. The best I can do for now is get a good nights sleep and wake up ready to see what surprises are in store for tomorrow. What will the new challenge be....I ponder.
The New Balance Girl
Running Report: Ahhh...I have not written a running report in awhile. I have been on the treadmill most days which I usually can't stand. But I have been liking it thanks to some new i tunes downloads. I also find myself pondering about life on the treadmill since I don't have to be on alert the entire run watching for cars, bicycle bells and critters on the trail. I have been running about 24 miles a week. Slowly building up for spring running season. I love spring runs! I can't wait.
Simply Titled : Ashlie
This is Ashlie, my 6 year old niece, looking at Santa with wonder and delight. Certainly questioning why are my parents letting this strange jolly ol' man talk to me about coming to my house. Great Christmas Eve. Who would have known that Ashlie would leave this world suddenly but peacefully Jan. 6, 2011. What wonder and delight she must have had when she entered Heaven!
Although physically limited, this little girl, was so able bodied to make a difference in the lives of everyone she met. That has been so obvious the past week especially to my brother and his family but also to us. Ashlie was unable to speak,. However, her inner spirit and crooked little smile spoke volumes. Story after story keep coming in of how each day those around her felt joy and love. Is that not amazing! The gift this child had and shared with others.
Ashlie had a tragic beginning to her sweet life when she suffered a traumatic brain injury . My brother and sister-in-law ended up crossing her path through life. It was fate. They already had a family. But they opened their arms and adopted Ashlie and gave her a home of love, joy, peace and support. Ashlie became a true princess! What an amazing thing to do for another human being! Give someone unconditional love, as you are, no strings attached.
Nike Girl told me that when you go to heaven you get to pick out what color of wings you can wear. She and I agreed sweet Ashlie was certainly wearing all pink! 100 % girlie girl! And lookin' good!
Ashlie we are sure you are running, jumping and playing hopscotch in Heaven. You most certainly are singing and talking nonstop. What a sight it has to be!
The "New Balance" Girl
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