
Mother Knows Best (or so they say)

You know how sometimes you mean to say one thing but it comes out so different you just stand there and think, "I hope no one heard me."  It is one thing if you do that to a spouse or close friend. They usually just look at me and laugh.
Being a mom, however, catches you off guard all the time. At any second in conversation you may be asked to solve any one of the world's most complexing questions. You have to know the answer that is supportive, loving yet truthful. Because mother knows best, right?

Here are some recent examples.

Example #1: Nike Girl walking out of the bathroom 30 seconds before we have to walk out the door to school. She had asked if she could wear some lip gloss. I said sure but please hurrry. She comes prancing down the stairs and says, I am ready mommy. How do I look? I turn and look at her with an affirming smile that stopped in mid track. I literally gasp! out loud with hand gesture over my mouth and all! Clear lip gloss was bright red gooey paraben infested lipstick from her toy princess bag used only as dress up. My gasp sent her to the bathroom in tears. I give her a 10 second lesson on blotting and how clear lip gloss is the way to go in the daytime hours. She makes it to school before the tardy bell with red smears but clear coated lips. I did not mention the smears on the side of her face. Parenting is so spontaneous.

Example #2: Nike Girl loves to act and sing. She attended a week long theatre camp toward the end of summer. They had try-outs the first day of the camp. She came home upset. She had been casted a Thug instead of a Princess. I sat her down and said that you can not get a lead part every time. You should concentrate on being the best Thug there is.....She told me who was cast as the princesses. One happened to be her dear friend with blonde locks like Cinderella. I said, Nike Girl, part of acting is looking the part. Your friend looks like she could play Cinderella with her golden hair so maybe....she stopped me and held back the tears as she asked with long dramatic pauses......"You mean to tell me Mommy....that...I.....look.....like....a....thug?" That is not what I meant at all but my words did seem to be leaning in that direction! I had to back peddle like no ones business to get out of that hornet's nest. She ended up in her mother's eyes of being the best thug ever!

I could go on and on with examples. Each day I wake up and pray that the words I say and my actions are encouraging and loving to those I encounter. I win some and obviously I lose some. I just didn't really give it much thought as to how important your words asa mother really become as your child grows and begins to question you, herself and the world. Mother knows best are big shoes to fill! It keeps life interesting! Besides,someday it will give them something to blog about.

The "New Balance" Girl

Running Report: Start of school has been all about running.....running around to activities and events....and finding the time to train. I have a half coming up in another week. I am excited! I still go back and forth with a full this fall. Time as I mentioned is by far the biggest challenge. I can't seem to find it right now. I need a big planner to get organized. Autumn is coming and I love love love this time of year when it is cool in the mornings again. Peace.


Summer's End

By summer's end, the 100 degree temperatures began taking a toll on everything. The grass was turning pitiful brown, the flowers were drooping, and the swimming pool felt like bath water. During these dog days of summer we decided to head to the "hills" and get some relief.

Euro Jumping on a mountain makes it seem like you are flying.

Do you know how hard it was to keep track of the three little duckies the entire trip? At least it is better than the package of wipes she slept with for weeks.

 Hiking in the morning ROCKS! If everyone started their morning off with this I predict there would be no more road rage on the morning commute to work. 

Converse and Weebok enjoying the awesome trail system. But remember what goes down...has to go up. Oops! Forgot that little physics lesson.

Nike Girl and I hoping the bike we rented made it back to town. It was a little shaky to say the least. Makes me laugh!

A great view with some great smiles.

Good-bye Hills! Thanks for the memories!

The "New Balance" Girl