
Cheers Converse!

Converse and I were married  a long time, 10.5 years to be exact, before Nike Girl entered this world. I will never forget when she was born. Converse's exact words were , " What did we just do!" as tears were streaming down his face. I remember being just quiet taking the experience all in and deciding that there was no other word ( besides the obvious word painful) for what just happened than a true genuine miracle. A few days later sitting at home the sleepless nights started, the constant worry started, the overwhelming feeling of responsibility hit us both. We wanted to be perfect. (silly thought) There were several days I shamefully admit ,thinking  those very words , "What did we do?"  Converse was feeling the same.

Then after a couple weeks, life started to return to a new kind of normal. And before you knew it Converse and I fell in love with the little thing. He soon didn't care if she projectile vomited on his shirt as he was rushing out the door to work, he didn't care if she put her slimy little hands on his face to point out body parts, he didn't care that the only thing that would calm her in a grocery store was singing Barney tunes. He became a daddy. And he loved his new found role in life.

Then only 5 1/2 years after that,  Weebok came into our world. She came three weeks early to arrive on our 16th wedding anniversary. She came knockin' at the door at midnight. I woke him up to tell him and he said "What time is it?" I told him and he said, " Can you wait a couple hours I just got to sleep? Are you sure it is time?" I gave him my perfected " this is not the time to joke"  look. I use that a lot in tense quiet moments, he can't help himself.  So he rolled out of bed, brushed his teeth and a half hour later , we found ourselves cruising in the Accord thankful it still was not the Beretta. We started laughing, well sort of,  because instead of jetting off to Paris on our anniversary like many friends our age, we were starting down another new path. This time when she popped into the world, Converse was ready and looked at the new baby, tears streaming down his eyes, and said "You have another beautiful daughter." I exclaimed, "What!" I just knew it was a boy. I was so secretly excited that it was another girl but more importantly she was healthy. Another true miracle! What a ride it has all been since.

Cheers Converse! You make us laugh everyday.
Happy Daddy Day!

The "New Balance Girl" 

Running Report: Foot healed, back to training on Monday. I have picked a race! yea!


  1. Sweet! It's kind of cool that you were married a while before having kids, don't you think? Love seeing the photos, but we're missing YOU! :)

  2. Oh hi-d! LOL...there is a reason I am not in that picture. I must encourage mothers to be and not have them hyperventilate and panic. I was not exactly dawning the full face make-up and up-do like some. I looked more like a swollen Lily Munster.

    As you know there is a season and a reason for all things. I finally accepted that it may not fit in the "normal" time line. Having a family a little later in life has certainly been pretty cool :)

  3. You are a crackup! Too funny. I'm sure you looked just fine. :)

    Yep...God has the perfect time and seasons for all things! Be blessed my friend.
