
Say it ain't so , Phil!

Well the little bristle haired rodent saw his shadow. 6 more weeks of winter, please say it ain't so. I can't run on the treadmill one more day. I am getting ready to enter my mileage build-up. But besides that what about all the shuffling of coats and hats and gloves and boots in and out of the car, trying to keep the tile floor clean, indoor playgrounds full of germs and stinky little socks, icy driveways, the dog absolutely refusing to do her business in snow making me late to work, chapped lips, fly away hair, chili again tonight? Say it ain't so Phil!
Aw, but there is hope, the US National Climatic Data Center estimates Phil’s forecast is correct only about 40 percent of the time. Sounds like good odds in Vegas for Phil to be wrong. So maybe it ain't so.
Hope the sun is shining where you are today.

Happy Stinkin' Groundhog Day!
The "New Balance" Gal

Running Report: 4 miles treadmill Weebok played in her playpen and watched a movie. Seemed to work today. She misses the stroller jogs and so do I.

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