
The Fishin' Hole

A fun family weekend in the woods eating smores, hiking, and swimming

One cold spring fed river
One rock eater ( notice smores on her face)
 Two trout catchers ....who kept crossing lines.....all add up to FUN! I don't even mind that mama has been doin' a lot of laundry since we got home.


One Foot in Front of the Other

Entry Two

I started thinking the other day...when exactly did I start running? Ever since I was young I have loved being outdoors. Growing up on a farm was ideal for me. I spent my free time stomping on ant hills, attempting gymnastics on the propane tank, climbing trees, shooting hoops and riding my cowgirl bike. I loved to speed down the lane and hit the brakes to see how far I could slide on the gravel. I tried to jump ramps and do pop-ups before Xtreme sports were even popular. I also liked to walk down the country road with my dog Scampie Joe in tow looking at the clouds and just thinking. As I got older my walks turned into jogs.
My most memorable jog on the farm happened one summer. I was running from telephone pole to telephone pole listening to the wheat blow in the wind. I noticed a buzzing sound that started getting louder and louder. I looked around and saw nothing. The noise became so loud I stopped in my tracks. Headed right for me was a wave of bees as far as I could see. That is when I first experienced a pace outside my comfortable 10 minute mile. I looked like the roadrunner on Wild Coyote cartoons.I just knew the killer bees had arrived! I don't think I have ever ran so fast in all my running career. Somehow ,I am sure it was divine intervention, I made it home safely charging into the front door yelling, " Bees, Bees". The family just looked at me. Not exactly an easy thing to explain. 
So from there I moved off the farm to college and my running continued. Then I met Converse and continued to run together. I never ran a race just jogged because I liked to find different trails and be outside. Then one day , I remember clearly, I announced to Converse that I was going to run a marathon someday. I was twenty-something, sitting on the balcony of our first apartment in Denver. He said if that is what I felt like doing then I should do it. Simple enough. I know deep down inside he was thinking this is another one of my off the wall ideas like starting a calligraphy business, when I had never written with anything but a ballpoint pen, or the time I told him I wanted to start an organic dog biscuit company but only made one batch of biscuits that the dog wouldn't eat. He wanted to believe in me so he did. Next I called one of my best friends and told her. She too knows I can get some crazy ideas but she did not judge me. She simply asked Why? I really could not answer her then. But she cheered me on. So the dream of my first marathon began. I had no idea what it would take or how to go about running 26.2 miles. I did know inside I wanted to try to do it as crazy as it sounded. Of course, life then happened. Only 8 short years after making the announcement,  I made my first personal running dream a reality by putting one foot in front of the other.

To be continued.....

The" New Balance" Gal


Charlotte Lives!

I really dislike spiders. We have had many spiders in our house the last few weeks. I know they really have never hurt me but I have heard stories and we have all seen movies with hairy scary spiders attacking the innocent in their sleep. This week I had to face one of my biggest fears. Unfortunately, it had to be witnessed in front of the children.
I had just stepped out to sweep off the deck when Nike Girl started screaming, "Spider! Spider!" I arrive in the kitchen and see a medium sized spider crawling on the rug under the table. It was picking up speed, actually record speed, heading right for Weebok's bare toes. I hesitated only for a second then grabbed the first piece of junk mail I could find. With Nike Girl's Halloween screams filling the air and Weebok yelling "Bug...bug...bug." I went into mommy mode and swatted that poor innocent spider like Albert Pujols in the home run derby. Story should end.
No, no...not exactly....to my utter surprise, 50 or more little babies started running in all directions! Yes, this is a true fact of horror. I had swatted and missed the mama spider who obviously was very very fertile. At that point, I commenced screaming LOUDLY sweeping Weebok up into my arms. Nike Girl saved herself by jumping onto the kitchen table. What in the world do I do now? The girls are depending on me, I have to be a role model. Converse is in the Gulf cleaning up a different kind of mess. I have to be the adult! I dislike being 40! I want my mommy!
So I believe divine intervention lead me to the sweeper because I was not able to make a coherent sentence. I managed to get the child proof outlet cover out in one shot without breaking a nail. Plugged that Kirby in, and with Weebok on my hip and Nike Girl on the table I sucked the baby spiders up. I felt sad and scared at the same time. These poor little baby spiders. But what was I to do?
After a few minutes, we all calmed down. Then I realized I couldn't find the mom. The hunt was on. She was nowhere to be found. Then we found her in the corner. I couldn't suck her up nor could I hit her again. Nike Girl found a jar and I trapped her. She was quite defensive. That poor mama spider had a really bad day and needed a new beginning. So I threw her over the fence. Sorry neighbors we do not know. I called the spiderman the next morning. I had been procrastinating all week. But not now, the battle is over. He informed me some spiders carry their young on their backs. Wonderful news. So now we wait until he shows up to spray. I just know Charlotte is going to leave me a nasty gram on the arbor one of these mornings. "Trust me, Wilbur. People are very gullible. They'll believe anything they see in print." (Charlotte's Web, 1978). Charlotte lives! I just hope in the neighbor's yard.

The "New Balance" Girl

Running Report: Hot and humid make long runs difficult. Did 8 miles this weekend. Continuing with my speed work which is not fast at all. Not nearly as fast as Charlotte going for my babies' toes! Stay cool in the heat!


Nothing Says I Love you......

Today I saw a flashing sign in front of a retail pharmacy chain store that read, " Show Your Love...Buy a Flu Shot Gift Card." Now I don't know about you, but if Converse came home with one of those on our anniversary, he might find himself eating cold cereal for supper, bran cereal, maybe even with a fork. Forget Tiffany's.... nothing says I love you like a flu shot!
The "New Balance" Girl

Running Report: Still hitting the pavement and the treadmill in the heat. It sure is hot! Love summertime!


Life is Good

On the farm growing up, I learned that you should never complain about rain especially when it falls in the summer. I know the flowers weren't complaining in our yard.  The foliage has been amazing this year.
Hope you find peace today.... even if you find yourself standing in the rain.
The "New Balance" Girl


One Foot in Front of the Other

Entry One
The idea of this self imposed journey started a few months after I celebrated the big 40. Usually birthdays don't bother me. This particular birthday seemed to pass by without any major personal crisis. I guess I didn't have time to feel sorry for my aging self. The day started out with a clogged toilet and plunger around 5 am that rapidly turned into my girls getting the raging stomach flu. I look back and smile. God knew that humor would snap me out of the fog. The scenario of the day made me laugh and remember to count my blessings. On that day I could care less about the crow's feet and spider veins. I just wanted everyone to feel better soon. I felt content with where I was in life. It was a good day to remember.
A few months later, on a long run,  I started thinking. Why am I still running? Goodness gracious, it really is silly when I stop and think about it. I am not exactly graceful nor do I make it look effortless. I am a pronator who you can hear coming from yards away. I have ran two marathons and many other races where I continue to finish in the middle of the pack  I have saved all of the race t-shirts and bibs in a tote. Why? I know running is a health benefit, especially mentally. My family knows when I have ran and when I haven't. It is addictive. But why not be addicted to soap operas or homemade chocolate chip cookies? Why running? Why run and keep my same 10 minute mile pace? Why not go for it? Why not try to qualify for Boston?
Insert sound of screeching brakes. This is where the inner voice steps in and laughs like Count Dracula on Sesame Street. Boston is a pipe dream. Boston is for runners not joggers. Boston Creme Pie, I had to throw that in because I am always thinking of food. Boston is for....Why not end that sentence with....Boston is for me?  So my little dream was born and the journey has begun. I may qualify or I may not. 40 is a good thing for time qualifications in Boston. It certainly won't happen easily for me. Did I mention I am a slow runner? It will take a lot of speed work and miles. My plan is simple. I am going to place one foot in front of the other and see where I end up. My running journey to Boston is now beginning. Fasten your seat belts it may be a bumpy ride.

The "New Balance" Girl

Running Report: Daily runs 4 miles, 4 miles, 6 miles, and 4 miles. Speed work 12- 400's at 8:56min/mile. Long run this weekend. Yikes, I guess I have officially put it out there in the universe. Have a great day!




Where is that Rascally Rabbit?

As a little kid, I sometimes pretended to be a magician. I would find a big winter stocking cap and push a stuffed animal into it and throw it on my head. Then I would try to trick my family into believing there was nothing stuffed inside the crooked hat atop my head. They must have been so annoyed but never let on.
Nike Girl is having similar aspirations. I have found technology has really not improved much since the 70's. They do now sell magic sets that include a big plastic hat with a small trap door, magic wand with messy glitter, scarves, a deck of cards , a few balls and thimbles, and a styrofoam rabbit. The foam rabbit is a little lame but none the less it says on the outside of the box it is indeed magical. At the very least the entire kit probably contains lead and other harmful metals, not found in the 1970's version. Side note: Weebok, don't eat the glittery wand!
So Nike Girl sets up the show. She shows us the top hat has nothing in it. She didn't know that I had seen her place the foam rabbit inside the trap door in the bottom of the hat. She puts the hat on her head and taps it with her magic wand. Glitter flies. She then says some magical rhyming words and says "Poof a rabbit!" She takes the hat off and looks inside it, no rabbit. She looks on the floor casually, no rabbit. She looks in the trap door slyly, no rabbit. She turns circles and looks up and down and all around, no rabbit. Where is that rascally rabbit?
(Picture to come)
The foam rabbit is stuck on top of her head in her hair. She can not see it but the audience can. I was belly laughing. Weebok was clapping and signing, "more, more".  I let it go on for probably longer than I should , but it was too much fun. Finally, she said, "it appears the rabbit has hopped away!" I laughed even harder. I point her to the hallway mirror. The rascally rabbit was found. I will let you know, and hopefully not 911, if  she tries the saw my little sister in half trick with the plastic tool set I just bought Weebok. Hope it goes better than the rabbit in the hat trick.

The "New Balance Gal"

Running Report: Difficult uphill 4 mile run. No magic shoes on here. It felt good to push a little harder today. Nike Girl had baseball this evening and Weebok had shots this morning. Poor baby! I absolutely despise when they have to get their shots. She was speaking BooBoo again.  I wish I would of had a magic wand to make it not hurt. Thankful all is well again.