
Where is that Rascally Rabbit?

As a little kid, I sometimes pretended to be a magician. I would find a big winter stocking cap and push a stuffed animal into it and throw it on my head. Then I would try to trick my family into believing there was nothing stuffed inside the crooked hat atop my head. They must have been so annoyed but never let on.
Nike Girl is having similar aspirations. I have found technology has really not improved much since the 70's. They do now sell magic sets that include a big plastic hat with a small trap door, magic wand with messy glitter, scarves, a deck of cards , a few balls and thimbles, and a styrofoam rabbit. The foam rabbit is a little lame but none the less it says on the outside of the box it is indeed magical. At the very least the entire kit probably contains lead and other harmful metals, not found in the 1970's version. Side note: Weebok, don't eat the glittery wand!
So Nike Girl sets up the show. She shows us the top hat has nothing in it. She didn't know that I had seen her place the foam rabbit inside the trap door in the bottom of the hat. She puts the hat on her head and taps it with her magic wand. Glitter flies. She then says some magical rhyming words and says "Poof a rabbit!" She takes the hat off and looks inside it, no rabbit. She looks on the floor casually, no rabbit. She looks in the trap door slyly, no rabbit. She turns circles and looks up and down and all around, no rabbit. Where is that rascally rabbit?
(Picture to come)
The foam rabbit is stuck on top of her head in her hair. She can not see it but the audience can. I was belly laughing. Weebok was clapping and signing, "more, more".  I let it go on for probably longer than I should , but it was too much fun. Finally, she said, "it appears the rabbit has hopped away!" I laughed even harder. I point her to the hallway mirror. The rascally rabbit was found. I will let you know, and hopefully not 911, if  she tries the saw my little sister in half trick with the plastic tool set I just bought Weebok. Hope it goes better than the rabbit in the hat trick.

The "New Balance Gal"

Running Report: Difficult uphill 4 mile run. No magic shoes on here. It felt good to push a little harder today. Nike Girl had baseball this evening and Weebok had shots this morning. Poor baby! I absolutely despise when they have to get their shots. She was speaking BooBoo again.  I wish I would of had a magic wand to make it not hurt. Thankful all is well again.

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny, Susan! Too bad you didn't have the video camera to tape that one. You could have probably one some bucks on America's Funniest Home Videos. :)

    Have a great 4th of July weekend!
