
Spring into SNOW!

Sometimes you have to make lemonade out of lemons!
Yes, yes, it is true the following photos are actual footage of our
Spring Break 2013
or was that Winter Break Act 2
If it wasn't so beautiful, I would have been depressed and crying.
Nike Girl was happy to just be out of school. 
Weebok was confused as she looked at her 4 Seasons book. 
Converse was excited the neighbor offered him to use his snow blower!
I was glad for the invention of fleece.
I took the Spring has Sprung flag picture normally, I think the camera was cold and rotated all the pictures I took of the flag. It won't let me rotate it now...hmm...

We only lost a few branches.
It was a heavy snow.
Great for snowballs!
Great for eating snow cones!
Weebok has a problem, she does!
That is all she wanted to do.
Nike Girl gave her a quick lesson on color of snow.


                  Nike Girl just laughed and jumped and laughed some more.

And at the end of the day....
We found ourselves on the beach!
Here is to sunshine, sand in our toes and blooming flowers!
The New Balance Girl


We are Never Ever....Ever


I ♥ Easter Candy!
Specificially these little eggs of pure satisfaction and taste bud joy.
It's true.
I have a problem.
It sabotages my New's Year's resolutions every year.
I remember when I first found Cadbury Mini Eggs.
They had me at hello!
Thank You Hershey Company!(www.hersheycompany.com)
After eating almost an entire bag by myself
I knew we were MFEO...you know made for each other.
It was a relationship that made me happy, happy, happy.
That was until I realized that THIS is lurking in two short months!
Actually THIS is what delights me and scares me at the same moment! 
Awesome Title Nine swimsuits! (www.titlenine.com)
Impossible Bikini
You see the problem  is all mine.
I own it, I accept it.
It first started
when I realized that despite the snow and ice and lack of temperature above 32 degrees in the middle of March (insert slight bitterness)
that I would no longer be able to hide behind black yoga pants and hoodies.
I had to break up with the eggs. 
Break ups are hard.
They are messy.
Just like Nike Girl and Weebok's favorite singing sensation
Taylor Swift belts out in her fun and sassy song
 "We are Never Ever Getting Back Together!"
It was on the treadmill one morning listening to some awesome tuneage, when I realized, her song so applied to  my breakup. 
The words could easily apply to the on again and off again relationship I was having with the eggs!
Thank You Taylor Swift for helping me through the egg breakup!

"We are never ever ever getting back together,
We are never ever ever getting back together,
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together

Like, ever..." (Taylor Swift Lyrics)
Well until next Easter....dang that is a long time away....maybe until tomorrow!