
I Want Swimming Pool Hair

When I was born the first thing the doctor said was "Wow! Look at all that coal black hair, there is tons of it." I am thankful it was only on my head and not on my back or arms. I have learned over the years that most babies lose the coal black hair and become pretty little blondes. But not me, I am one big dominant gene, an anomaly, who has fought this hair, that is neither curly or straight, for four decades now.

I use to joke with Converse and say someday if we ever have kids, the good Lord will know that we need boys. First we aren't exactly the most petite people on Earth , boys are more equipped to be linemen and second I can't fix my own hair let alone a little girls doo. Well, God has a sense of humor. Two little girls later, I have had to learn. But God knows just what you can handle as they do not have this mop. I seriously look like their nanny rather than their biological mom. They have beautiful straight brown locks and big blue eyes and so far hair that dries smooth without product and tools. They have great swimming pool hair.

As gals, you know what I am talking about...great swimming pool hair. Those girls you look at from afar who can twist their hair up in a cute little bun in back and even stick a pencil in it to hold it. One time Converse and I were on an airplane going to who knows where but it was humid and hot a recipe for hair disaster. One of "those girls" sat down in the seat in front of us. She did one of those subtle leans to the right and then the left, swiftly bent forward and sat back up with a perfect bun held together with an ink pen. Converse looked at me, grinned. The challenge was on. I flipped to my left and flipped to my right and bent forward, grabbed his pen and came up with a bun. That held together for 2 seconds, the pen fell on the floor rolled to the back and I was left with bigger hair than ever and no pen to do our Soduko puzzle. Don't challenge me bud!

One of my worst hair memories was in seventh grade. My mom took me to the "in place". Everyone seemed to rave about this place. Remember I grew up in small town America. Looking back there were several red flags.. it was in a converted garage by the railroad tracks in the country. I would sit in the chair and a train would blow by scaring the daylights out of me and the stylist. Not a perfect scenario with scissors. Another red flag, it was the early 80's, we were on the verge of the big hair revolution! Don't trust just anyone with your hair.

I wanted a perm, Teen magazine and Young Miss said it was hip and in style. So roll it up and perm it! Oh how I wish the sylist would of said, "Honey you already have that hair no need to perm." Three hours later I emerged with hair that was so kinky and frizzy, my mom even shed a few tears. My farmer dad who really didn't pay attention to hair exclaimed as I walked in the door. "What happened?" My mom called the stylist back and there were long pauses followed with the words ,"Well we will try it." I was hurried into the bathroom and sat on the toilet as my mom spread mayo on my hair. Feeling like a ham sandwich, I rinsed and towel dried. I was told do not use the hair dryer! Result... more frizz. I was an 80's poster child! Two days later after refusing to go to school we went to another stylist and got a summer doo in February that took 6 maybe 7 months to grow out.

So here I sit on the eve of requesting a loose curl perm to put some shape into my shapeless coarse hair before pool session begins. I do not have time to use hair product and flat iron this mop any longer. I am hoping for the best. All I want is swimming pool hair. I will let you know the result. I am a bit nervous.

The "New Balance" Girl

Running Report: The weather has been beautiful! We have gone on family bike rides, shot some hoops, and played outside every single day. It has been awesome. I have been running very consistently lately outside which feels good. Weebok sleeps so good in the jogging stroller. Nike Girl rides her bike along side, she wants to be in the stroller. Longest runs have been 7 miles. Slowly building back up. I am doing a half in June. I am narrowing down my marathon choices.


  1. Oh, hair stories are the funniest. So how did your hair turn out this time? Pictures, girl, pictures...I want to see them. :) hee hee...

  2. How did your hair turn out? I would love swimming pool hair too. But sadly, I've never been one of those girls who sat in front of you on the plane.
