
Recession Burrito vs. Depression Burrito

In today's economic times, you have to find some humor. I recently read an article online that joked about the differences between a a recession and a depression. A recession can be defined as when your neighbor loses his job.A depression is when you lose your job. The article went on to state that there really is not a universal definition of either. If you ask 1000 different economists to differentiate between the terms recession and depression, you most likely will get 1000 different answers.

Today I came up with my own definitions to help economists agree upon the differences.

Just this morning, I ordered a breakfast burrito with sausage. I  bit into the burrito to find only sausage. No egg or cheese. This is a Recession Burrito.

For 5 minutes the waitress and I could not come to an agreement as to why I was returning my order.  I gave up.I left without a burrito and ate a week old opened granola bar from my car console.
This is a  Depression Burrito.

The "New Balance" Girl

Running Report: Took the day off from running as I was in the pool most of the day. Will start back tomorrow after I make myself a breakfast burrito at home.

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