
Alivia...I mean Rebecca....

A couple summers ago we were in Chicago on one of the hottest weeks on record. I remember it like yesterday because of two reasons....first, we had just found out we were going to have a lil' Weebok coming  later that year so I was havin' some hot flashes and second, I managed to wear the most uncomfortable shoes. Converse was attending a training meeting downtown so Nike Girl and myself took on Chicago by foot ( until we found the trolley on the next to the last day of our trip). During one of our heatstroke strolls we found ourselves looking in the windows of  the Americal Girl store. I had no idea what kind of store it was but it had a nice cool breeze seeping out from under the door so we followed the mass crowd inside. Two hours later, we left with a big bag full of accessories, a doll that looked just like Nike Girl whom later was named Alivia, and a big smile. Well ,one of us was smiling. The other one was thinking about taking her shoes off and throwing them into the river.

So that fateful Thursday changed every holiday from Christmas to Birthdays at our home forever. In Nike Girl's room you will find a doll wheelchair, crutches, matching big girl and doll pj's, and of course ice skates to name a few accesories. Alivia, her American Girl doll, has more shoes than I do. Her hair is always neatly brushed and she even has nail polish. Alivia is put together and I am jealous.

Tonight, Nike Girl and I, attended an American Girl Party at a local bookstore. The group consisted of 20 girls and their favorite doll who meet each month and read stories, make a craft, participate in a learning activity, play, and of course have a snack. This was the first month we have attended. We were late of course ,so Nike Girl took the last seat. The lead storyteller announced that a new doll had arrived. She asked Nike Girl her name and then asked her doll's name. Nike Girl said her full name without hesitation then looked at her doll shaking her head up and down ...obviously thinking and blurted out , "Her name is Rebecca, Yes, her name is Rebecca." Hmm...I thought.

Later on the drive home I had to ask. "So your doll's name is Rebecca?"
 Nike Girl said, " No mom, its Alivia, don't you remember?"
"But you said her name was Rebecca." (I wanted to add don't you remember...)
"Oh that, mom the room was full of strangers, I don't want them to know her real name. Remember?"
" Smart thinking." (Never mind you all but gave them your social security number.)
So I guess maybe she does partially listen to my lectures every once in awhile. That makes me feel a little bit of peace as Nike Girl and Alivia...I mean Rebecca sleep tonight.

The "New Balance" Girl

Running Report: Long run tomorrow am before the snow. Yes, I said snow. Today was absolutely gorgeous so the girls and I hit the trail on bikes. Then I raked many,  many bags of leaves while the pug laid in the sun and the girls painted flower pots.Well, Weebok wanted to paint her tongue. I am so glad Weebok loves the outdoors as much as the rest of her family. She is growing up so fast!


  1. Awh...so cute! I love your stories...it sounds like you have great kids and you are an awesome Mommy... :)

    Hope you get some more sunshine soon!!!
    Take care,

  2. Cute story! My girls each have a Bitty Baby that have to go everywhere with us. As if it was not bad enough to get 2 kids under under 4 dressed every morning, I have to get the 2 baby dolls dressed as well. And heaven forbid if we go out without Bitty's own personal diaper bag... American Girl dolls and accessories are very good, but they are adding way too much extra work for this mommy.
