
So Along Old Friend

The following is a tribute to the "Ol' Rugby Couch".
(Bought 1996- Retired 2010)

Dear Rugby Couch,
You had us at Hello! It was a cold winter day in Denver, Colorado when our paths first crossed. You were sitting in a very disorganized furniture store surrounded by your friends made of all shades of beige. Converse and I had just bought our first townhouse and we needed furniture (besides the hand me down green tweed beast with the hideaway mattress that weighed 4 tons). We had been looking for a few weeks not able to find what we wanted. We were about to give up hope and settle for the vanilla sale couch in the window. When from the corner of our eyes we saw you. We were drawn to your vivid rugby striped colors. You were different than the others. Ugly, maybe, but within our price range. Converse and I cautiously sat down not knowing what to expect. It was love. We sunk into the pillow back and felt like we had owned you for 20 years. "Sold!", the salesman placed the sign on your back. I was so anxious to get you home I decided to not get you sprayed with scotchguard. So we loaded you up and the journey began.
You moved with us each time we decided to fly by the seat of our pants and try a new adventure. 7 states, my friend, you moved with us. You are featured in every photo album to date we have. You were the home to Allie Dogg and Sophie the Pug, not to mention Converse's brother once in awhile. You weathered through salsa and chips even melted chocolate bars and gum. Imagine if I would have had you scotchguarded. You were faithful through the late nights with the babies up screaming and Converse yelling and jumping up and down for many a Sunday football game. You were the foundation for many a fortress in the living room as well as an indoor trampoline. As with any couch, the years began to show and your cushions began to feel like plywood. You became super faded. You were a faithful friend who would not fit through our basement door in our new home. We had to consider our options.  It was time to let you go. So  along old friend. Hope you enjoyed the ride as much as us. Go in peace.

We sent the ol' Rugby couch off to goodwill. We have high hopes for the final journey. Perhaps a frat house or a bachelor pad. 

The "New Balance Gal"

Running Report:
6 miles outside on the trail on Saturday and it felt good! I need to pick a race! I am ready to run, again!


  1. Oh, what a great tribute! I want to see a picture...hee hee... :)

    Thanks for all of your sweet comments on my blog. I want to add you to my sidebar view of blogs I follow if you don't mind. :)

  2. A picture is a great idea. I just have to figure out how to download and post them. Still learning.

    Wow, being added to a sidebar. Thanks! I will do the same if I ever figure it out. I laugh because hi-d you are my Dorothy Boyd! (Jerry Maguire). "Who's going with me? Dorothy Boyd is going with me." Thank you for being loyal, blogger pal. LOL.

  3. Hey-Thank you for the good words about sleep. I will start thinking of the other Moms out there too! Great thought.

  4. Thank you for the kind words on my blog yesterday. That was so sweet of you!

    We, too, have an old couch and loveseat that saw us through thick and thin for many years. They finally found a new home with my sister and her family.

    Would love to see a picture of the rugby couch!

