
It Ain't a Party til There's Cheese Cubes

Oh I just couldn't wait. I knew Nike Girl was going to be pumped when she found out about the annual Daddy/Daughter Dance at church. Converse and I exchanged looks and just nodded when we saw it in the bulletin. This was going to be Nike Girl's moment to shine! A reason to wear those 3 inch heels, that as a mommy physical therapist, went against my better judgment to allow.  A reason to wear that 70 %  off irridescent sleeveless dress she has been begging me to let her wear to school on a non-PE day...that I found during a snowstorm in December. A reason to get in my make-up drawer, well it is more like small bag, but you get the point. I just couldn't wait for the moment Converse sprung the news on her and actually asked her if she wanted to go.

Finally the day arrived that Converse asked. Video camera rolling....."Nike Girl would you like to go to a very special dance with daddy?" Pause. " A dance, like a real dance with real music?" Converse nodded. " Where?" "At church." Pause. Still pausing.... " Yes, I think so." Pause. Long pause. Sigh. "Daddy will there be cheese cubes there?" Blank stare from daddy. " I imagine there will be a food table."  Pause. "But will there be cheese cubes? I love cheese cubes you know the kind with little wooden sticks." Pause. Converse and I holding back the laughter. " I think the bulletin mentioned we can bring refreshments if we would like to." Pause. "Well ok, I will go as long as we bring the cheese cubes." When I originally thought of reasons she would be pumped not once did I think cheese cubes. Go figure.

The days that followed I was asked at least once a day if I had bought the cheese cubes. Converse was even asking me. Yes, family we have cheese cubes! So the night came. Nike Girl put on her sleeveless dress, high heels, and lipstick. Lipstick Nana had left at our house that was "rawther red". I had a quick lesson in less is more in the make-up department. She helped me arrange the cheese cubes in a fancy blue bubble bowl. We helped daddy get his pink tie on, what a sucker for his girls, and Weebok and I sent them off to the dance. It was Big Sissy's moment to shine and she was shining! Converse was, too!

Weebok and I waved good-bye then had quality time eating cheese cubes at home as they all would not fit in the bowl. Seriously, cheese goes bad, we had to eat it. Converse called half way in the middle of the evening. He simply said, " The cheese cubes were a hit."

They arrived home. Nike Girl was fast asleep with a fruit punch mustache and food stains on her dress. That's my girl!  I learned a lot from her that night. When I think back to all the dances I have ever attended I would of had a lot more fun being less worried about who asked me to dance if I would have went into the dance with the motto, "It ain't a party til there's cheese cubes!" I will remind her and her sister of that very motto someday. If I am not too old and can remember where they are going.

The "New Balance" Gal

Running Report:
It has been awhile since posting due to a SPAM take over. But it has been resolved. (Thanks to A Cajun Down Under blogger-great blog to check out by the way) Wow, what a great weekend. Ran 7 miles while the family biked on the trail with me. Awesome. Hamstring seems to be healed.  Continuing to do the Shred. That hurts, it makes me realize running is not enough to stay in shape. Of course, cheese cubes don't help my cause. I am still debating on which race to pick next. Need to decide.


  1. Ahh...what a cute story. I love cheese cubes too! Anything cheese...yummy!!! So glad you are back and running again (literally & figuratively speaking)...those spammers...irritating! Anyway...I've got you on my sidebar again and I'm following you. :) Hope you have a relaxing Sunday!

  2. Great story! Don't mind some cheese cubes myself. Sounds like Daddy and daughter had a great night! Glad you blog is back up!
