
Da' Belly

Weebok never sucks her thumb unless she has food on her fingers. She looks at a pacifier like "What am I suppose to do with this thing?" and throws it on the ground. I have tried to offer her the same blankie she laid on as a newborn to snuggle up with at naptime. No luck. I have tried encouraging her to hold Polly the Pony when she goes to sleep but she throws that over the edge of the crib, too. What can we possibly offer her to snuggle with and love at night- night time?

The search is over! Weebok has the answer. It is called "Da'Belly". She love, love, loves her belly button! When she is deep in concentration or tired she finds her belly button every single time. At first we thought how cute, then we thought this is really becoming a habit, to the present where we realize there is no stopping her now.

When you think about it, it really has quite a few benefits. For instance, it can get quite dirty but quickly wiped clean, it cost nothing, it is always with her, she can't drop it on the floor or in the car while I am driving, it can't ever get lost. Da 'Belly is awesome! We should patent it!

Converse and I have really only thought about one potential problem. Imagine if you will, when she is 40, in her executive office with the door closed looking out of her high rise building over New York City, business suit and a hair bun, one hand on the phone screaming , " Tell them we needed it yesterday!" (hopefully she will say please.) while she is subconsciously finding her belly button. It could present some problems. Hopefully she will grow out of it. But for now, we just giggle as our sweet calm little toddler and her belly button. Enjoy it, Weebok, Da'Belly ain't so pretty to look at when you are 40.

The "New Balance" Gal

Running Report: Ran a little longer on Saturday. 7 miles. Finally found my Garmin charger so the Forerunner was good to go this time. The family rode bikes to keep me company. I just love that time together. We saw a beautiful Indigo Bunting bird that just sat on a branch by us singing when we took a water break. I think I had only seen one in a book. Ate cheesecake later in the day. Maybe that is why Da'Belly looks so poor at 40. But it sure was good!

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