
Date Night

Aww..date night. Over the years, we have found ourselves evolve through two very distinct phases of date night. The first I shall refer to as Pre-Kid Era Date Night. The night would start as soon as we got home from work. I wasn't really even tired. I would actually shower again then fix my hair, apply foundation, eyeshadow with a brush, and even mascara followed with that medieval eyelash curling device that makes you cringe every time you use it. Then I would iron my trendy new outfit and put on jewelry then head out the door.  We would usually  find a new restaurant, go to friends' houses, take in a ballgame or sit through a late night movie. Ok, maybe not late night as I have never been much of a night owl. The end of the date we would usually  take the dog for a long walk when we got home admiring the night sky. We admittedly took this phase for granted.

Now we have entered the Post-Kid Era Date Night coupled with middle age. Sigh.....I know there are many disturbing descriptive words used in that last sentence. This last Friday night looked something like this....I wanted to celebrate Converse's birthday with something  special. So I made reservations at a quaint little bistro that looked affordable but charming. I decided to be a little fancy for the evening. So I started to straighten my hair. A simple task in theory. In the process of straightening my hair, Weebok decides to find a marker and within a flash of a second she is tagging her entire face and body.  Nice honey, paper next time please. So I run some bath water and clean her up. Half my hair is straightened. She gets out of the tub and smiles again only this time nature called on the bathroom rug. Back in the tub she goes. Take rug to laundry. Nike Girl enters the picture and wants to fix my hair. So I let her try. Rules though of no big bows allowed. She actually was very helpful. Despite sweating with all the heat that had built up in the bathroom, I managed to apply foundation, eyeshadow applied with finger as I can not find the brush, and even a little mascara. All I need is lip gloss. Hannah Montana lip gloss would have to do as I couldn't find mine. Wow I am going all out. Throw on a wrinkled dress. Tell the girls bye and we head out the door only 10 minutes late. Pretty good. The evening was fun. We actually were able to finish sentences. The night ended with a lightning storm from Mother Nature. Thank goodness we parked close to the front doors. Converse enjoyed his birthday and so did I.

I guess Pre-Kid and Post Kid Date Nights really are not that much different when you think about it. Both result in  great memories despite the path you have to take to get you ready to head out the door.

Happy Birthday Converse!

The "New Balance" Gal

Running Report: 11miles on Sunday early am. Lots of rolling hills.Good solid run. Not the best not the worst. The build up is always so slow and hard. Once the miles get up there running becomes fun again. I am waiting, patiently. I think all the carbs I ate at Date Night helped. Maybe we should have date night again this weekend. Wishful thinking.


  1. This is such a great picture. You are so pretty, Susan! By the way...love that picture behind your hubby. :)

  2. Cute picture of you two! Tell Converse that I said hi.

  3. Gotta love a date night, especially in the post-kid era. You both look great! Happy Bday to Converse!
