
Sally on the Mend

We started naming our cars after taking Nike Girl to the movie "Cars".She insisted in the parking lot of the movie theater that Converse's truck would be Mater and our family car would be Sally. The names have stuck after all these years.
On Friday, Sally got a boo boo as Weebok simply states.(Yes, she is still speaking her second language, BooBoo).  She has no idea, of course, how thankful we are to not  have real boo boo's. In a split second, things could have changed for all of us. I was driving along minding my own business with Nike Girl and Weebok in the back. Nana was in town visiting, so she was in the car, too. I remember entering the busy intersection when all the sudden I had to quickly hit my brakes as the traffic slowed in front of me. I glanced in my rearview mirror only to see a car approaching us from behind not even hitting the brakes.

I remember briefly thinking, this is going to hurt. My mind and body prepared for the crunch. I can not even tell you how fear overcame me instantly with the girls in the backseat. It felt like I hesitated a moment to even turn around. Then I heard Nike Girl say, " What just happened Mommy?" I , of course, usually a non-crier, was instantly crying and told her someone hit us with their car. Weebok was just sitting in her car seat looking at me. She is a quiet soul anyways so I made a funny face at her and asked if she was ok. There was the dimple on her cheek when she smiles that big toothy grin. She was fine. After Converse arrived on the scene, we took her to the doctor just for our peace of mind. Nike Girl had no complaints other than the tight seatbelt across her shoulder. We were all shook up but fine even the driver in the other car. So very, very thankful!  
Once we got home, I had a chance to talk to Nike Girl. I said that Mommy is very thankful to God that we were kept safe today. She looked at me and said, " You know mommy, I already talked to God upstairs in my room. I told him thank you and he said , "Your welcome".  No words can describe the feeling you have when your child takes it upon themselves to talk to God and start building that personal relationship. Warm fuzzies!
So Sally is on the Mend. I am not sure how they will fix her. I do know for sure that thankfulness is the word of the week.

The " New Balance" Girl

Running Report: 10 today in the early am before the heat index rises to an unbelievable number. It was a great run with a running buddy I hadn't ran with in awhile. Lots to be thankful for as my mind drifted on the run this morning. Hope you have a good day! 



  1. How frightening! I'm so thankful that all of you are okay. How absolutely priceless, what Nike Girl said. The simple faith of a child - brought into action. Blessings!
