
50 Years

When I walked down the aisle  almost 19 years ago, I didn't realize what a ride it would be. I was clueless, I admit. I was out of college, in love, and ready to get on with my life next to Converse. Personally,  I just said the vows, scared that I would somehow forget to talk during the ceremony, and have to resort to writing them. The traditional vows we used seemed foreign, not applicable to our life then. I was living in the moment in a really big veil, wait I mean REALLY big veil, and flowing dress. I was as carefree as you can get.
Years passed and trials big and small developed, our marriage became and still is a work of patience, love, hope, and somedays just tolerance on both of our parts.
So when my parents made it to their 50th wedding anniversary this fall, I had a lightbulb moment! 50 YEARS! Amazing! What a gift to find that one person to stay with from this day forward, to love and to cherish. Through sickness and health, through good times and bad, til the cows come home. That means forever down on the farm.
What a great celebration! 50 pink roses and a day of laughing and remembering. We all heard stories we had not heard before of their dating years, and early years of marriage. My mom put together a DVD of their life. It made us laugh, then it made us cry, then we laughed some more because my family loves to laugh! Converse always says we are loud and out of control and mumble when we speak so no one else understands us. We do everything with passion in laughter or in anger. A good quality most of the time but not always I have learned.
They raised us on a farm teaching us about hard work, learning to get through what ever comes our way. What an amazing journey!
We ended the celebration with  going to a surprise concert with John Conley. I use to listen to his music growing up while waiting in the farm truck in the fields during harvest. The funny thing is Converse and I use to sing his "oldie but goodie" tunes in college while riding around in his truck. Match made in heaven. ha!
Here he is singing Rose Colored Glasses. His voice still sounded the same! It was impressive. We had a lot of laughs. Good times, forever memories. Happy 50th Anniversary Mom and Dad!

The "New Balance" Girl


  1. This is SUCH a sweet post, Susan! Congrat's on the 19 years of marriage and BIG congrat's to your parents. They look adorable together and SO IN LOVE, STILL! You can totally see by the twinkle in their eyes. You and I are so blessed to have such wonderful parents. I can so relate to this, as my parents have been married close to 50 years as well.

