
I am 40...Hear me Roar!

Yes, I recently turned 40. It is getting easier to say. I am 40. I AM 40!  Ok, a little easier to say. I woke up the morning of my birthday at 5:07 am to be exact to Nike Girl yelling HELP at at top of her lungs. The toilet was overflowing. So there I stood with a plunger as my dear husband whispers in my ear, "Happy Birthday, it can only get better from here." It was a good laugh. Then Weebok started crying from her room. Well, that little adventure quickly turned into the raging stomach flu for Nike Girl and Weebok , so the rest of the day was spent doing laundry. But I was needed and was loved ,so turning 40 was... I guess a little different than I expected but not all bad. God must have known I needed a distraction. Thank you God, I was distracted.

So now that I am 40 I am in the process of a "Decade To Do " list. The best part about making a list like this is that I have started reflecting on my past and realizing all that I have been blessed with.... it definitely puts a new perspective on my everyday existence. Maybe there is a purpose to encountering the same grumpy crosswalk guard every morning(or maybe not). I just feel like I am doing the same routine over and over again. Do you ever feel that way?  I am not trying to complain as there is comfort in that, but I like adventure. My soul craves a challenge. So the "Decade to Do " list was born. It is almost complete! Maybe I will share.

So world this blog is a shout out to myself....I am 40...hear me roar! Oops baby crying ,gotta go. Kind of takes the wind out of the sails. God is Good!

The "New Balance" Gal

Running Report: Cross trained today with weights and light cardio. Ab workouts bite!


  1. Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a bit of an adventurous day, although probably not a fun experience with the toilet and sickies...

    I am turning 40 as well this year...and Yes...I can so relate to feeling like I'm stuck in a rut or routine. But as of late, I'm trying to stretch and try new things and get out of that...


  2. How exciting that you too will join the 40 club. It is almost like a big New Year's resolution thing. My friends and I were talking and decided it is sort of refreshing since we all have spent the past year saying and thinking we are almost 40. So good for you, trying new things and getting out of the rut!
    Oh btw, we did end up getting away for the weekend and enjoying some good food and good music so it was a fine celebration afterall.
    Have a good day.

  3. Glad to hear that you were able to get away for the weekend. :)

    Yep...hopefully I'll have the same attitute when I actually turn 40. It's just a number, right?
