
The Legend of Mr. Blue

It was the spring of Nike Girl's 3rd birthday. She was obsessed with owning her own pet. Something besides the family canine. An animal to call her very own. What about a hamster mommy? No. What about a rabbit mommy? Um, cute but no. What about a rat mommy? No No. What about a snake? Absolutely not. One day while skimming through a Martha Stewart Living magazine I saw the most awesome antique fish bowl with crystal clear water and green plants. A fish would be perfect. So I searched and found an antique bowl and filled it with natural stones and real plants. We ventured to the pet store and looked for the perfect fish. Within seconds Nike Girl found her first pet Mr. Blue.
Mr. Blue is a blue betta that is iridescent when the light hits him. He likes to hide behind the rocks, blow bubbles, and eat. The bowl sits behind our kitchen sink and gets lots of natural light. Nike Girl talks to him every morning for almost 4 years. Mr. Blue seems alive, happy and well....sort of....
Algae likes to grow on the bowl which requires monthly cleanings. No big deal , a simple task. Except that fateful Saturday evening last Feburary. Nana, my mom, had helped clean the fish bowl. Mr. Blue was so excited swimming under each rock enjoying the crystal clear water. A few hours later I was getting a drink and was going to say hello to Mr. Blue. Except I couldn't find him. Where was Mr. Blue? I turned the bowl from side to side, no luck. I called for my mom to look for Mr. Blue. We couldn't see him. So I simply said mom turn on the light. It was slow motion as she reached for the switch. Nooooooooo.......not that switch. The garbage disposal cranked as though it were full. The rest of the story you can fill in. Yep, so after the kids got to bed, the ol' Honda made a run to the supercenter in hopes of finding a replacement.
Next morning, there was Mr. Blue swimming in his new surroundings. Nike Girl looked at him and I was waiting. She simply said, " I think Mr. Blue has been exercising, he looks like he lost some weight." Right then the Legend of Mr. Blue was born.
Unfortunately, again this week Mr. Blue decided to dive into the big blue ocean in the sky after a slight chemical imbalance. However, the next morning, there he was like magic, swimming and hiding under his favorite rock. And again Nike Girl said , "Good Morning" and looked at him for a few seconds then off she went. Someday she will know the rest of the story about Mr. Blue's legend, until then thank goodness for supercenters! Oh by the way, we do seem to have more luck with canines.

The "New Balance" Gal

Running Report: 4 miles on a snowy trail. Awesome! It was so quiet and peaceful. Then 2 miles on treadmill a little faster than on the trail. I was afraid of slipping. Maybe snow is not all bad.

1 comment:

  1. I think my niece and nephew had one of those too, and named it Blues Clues...Impressive workout, by the way!
